Home testsing vs lab results?

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Well-known member
Nov 3, 2003
The recent posting about differences between lab results and the home testing monitors makes me wonder if comparing two different methods of testing is similar to comparing apples to oranges.

Everybody does it. Two different methods of testing, different reagents different results. If home testing had been first in use (and not the other way around) wouldn't home monitors be used to check the accuracey of the lab results?

This was a question I should have asked during my Coaguchek S training.

Anyone have any opinions?
If everyone used the same thromboplastin and testing equipment, we wouldn't have this problem. This is the whole reason for starting INR in the first place, to make it a level playing field, but I don't see this field as level.

Interesting you should ask about if home testing came first.......Never thought it of it like that. This should be interesting too.
Good points. What is the variance in lab results when it comes to blood glucose testing? Is there the same type of wide variance for diabetics that home-test? Is Variance just a nature of a system that is not an exact science?

There are many of us who are still alive and kicking that had mechanical valves at a time when INR wasn't used yet and PT was the method. INR was developed because there was less divergence in test results. I guess my point is to not worry too much about it. It's an interesting conundrum, but not one that should be alarming enough to cause regular stress. Just a nice reminder to play it safe and keep your INR in the upper ranges.