Home From The Hospital

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Thanks to you all! It was amazing the amount of emails that you guys sent, it really made Randy happy and he was amazed. He didn't know my "little internet group of friends was so strong" He sends his deepest thanks and love.

I just got home with Randy from the hospital and I am so tired I can't even keep my eyes open. A lot of running around and back and forth taking care of him & sitting in Randy's room all week. He still is pretty out of it, it will take about 48 hours to get all the stuff out of his system. They are starting him on a combination ****tail for his type of headache which is caused by a combination of the miss firings of neurotransmitters in the brain. Since the beginning of the hospital stay at the beginning of the week his headaches got less and less severe and then 2 days ago no headache and yesterday and today no headache. So I got all his medicine and just have to watch him the rest of the day today and tomorrow and he should be able to go back to work on Monday. It will take 9 months to a year for the Neuro transmitters to complete there new route and seems the neurologist again for follow up. Thanks for all your prayers he is much happier just still out of it and sleepy. I go in for my heart Cath and TEE on the 18th next Tuesday so now it is my turn but just for the day.
Hi Lisa,

My heartfelt sympathy goes out to Randy and yourself. Hope he gets to feeling more himself soon. It's difficult enough to have one spouse with a medical condition. When both of you are down it's agonizing. I can relate all to well as we have lived it ourselves MVR and Kidney cancer. :(

Take care and give my best to Randy
Thanks Gina

Thanks Gina


Thank you, he pretty much is sleeping all day long. I think he just needs to get all the DHE the drug they used out of his system. Were ok, seems we always are even if it is by the skin of chin.

Thanks Again
Mornin, Lisa - hope you and Randy had a restful night at home in your own bed. Home is the best place to be - always. No place like it. Y'all just hang in there - better days are comin. God bless
Double shifts at the hospital

Double shifts at the hospital

Hey Lisa-Sounds like you guys working two shifts at the hospital ! Glad Randy ok. You're doing a TEE and a cath ? Nothing like invasive diagnostics is there ?Best of luck on Tuesday, and let us know how you do. Best Wishes, Chris


For those you that helped with my stepdads financial crisis and the letter we got from our homeowners policy that we had an aggressive high risk dog. Hannah. I sent them this.

In receipt of your letter that we received notifying us that our homeowner?s policy would not be renewed because of ?aggressive animals?. After doing some research, we determined that you must be referring to our German Shepherd mix breed mutt.

If it is indeed, our dog that you are referring to, let me present you with the following facts:

1. She will be 8 years old on April 29th. She is not a full German Shepherd. She is a mixed mutt obtained from the Rowlett dog pound 8 years ago. She is more lab & retriever than Sheperhd.
Hannah is well trained in obedience, water rescue and service (she has no problems whatsoever in aggression or protection and we have been her only owners.)
Never has there been an incident of biting, chasing or growling at any human or dog ever; including family, other dogs, friends and their small children. This also includes workers at our home in the 8 years she has lived here.
I am on full disability and have a handicap sticker. She is retired, so she serves as a service dog to me as I have a heart condition and am awaiting a double lung transplant.
We have many people who will testify (if needed) to her gentleness and the fact that she is so well trained and obedient.

We are requesting a written explanation of the non-renewal. This, per your website?s legal page, which states ?Upon request, you have the right to a written explanation of an insurance company's decision to cancel or non-renew your policy. The written statement must fully explain the decision, including the precise incidents, cir***stances, or risk factors that disqualified you. It must also state the sources of information used?.

As for My Stepdads situation that so many of you helped with:
We have spent countless hours on the phone but as of Tuesday finally got somewhere in talking to the legal counsel representing the investors and looks like he is able to part of the class action for sure. I am just not sure that is the best idea as he may only recover a portion. If he files a suite on his own he may get all his money back. I have several different attorneys and 3 research groups on the internet there 200 people on each research board for my heart and lung support groups and they do so much. Some of them sit on the internet all day long and nothing else. So I got the best information from them and they found the phones numbers and names that led us to the correct legal defense and the correct middle court judge and trustee. So now we are filing the correct claim forms and weighing the options. Pray it all goes in his favor as he is such a wonderful man and I want to do right by him out of Love and respect for my mom. Plus, he deserves it, it was his whole life savings and no one deserves that.

As for Randy and his recovering thank you to so many that sent emails you made his day!:)
He is a wonderful patient, he listens to me well. The nurses loved him and one of them called ?Pretty Blue Eyes? I think she was flirting but it made him smile and he was feeling so bad that day...oh heck at our age if someone flirts with you I say go for it! He was so cute, he doesn?t quite know how to react with that kind of stuff so I thought it was cute! He had that really bad day one day with the I.V. And reactions from the DHE. Officially since Tuesday he has NOT had a single headache. This doctor seems to really know his stuff. It is caused from miss firings of the Neuro transmitters and this new combination of medication seems to be doing the trick. The one side effect is weight gain so we both are going to go on a diet together. We talked about bio feedback with a woman the doctor recommended but our insurance won?t cover it. He is going back to work on Monday. Yesterday I kept him in bed all day and night, it was hard to get him out cause he was still so out of it. Today he is much more alert and going to take a shower! Believe it or not he went 2 days without a shower. He has never done that since I have known him so I knew that he was really feeling bad and out of it.
Today seems much better and even going to get him to sit in a chair out in the back yard. Just going to take it easy today and tomorrow so he is better for Monday.

Thanks again to everyone..now to try to figure out the Zone diet and get ready for the tests for me on Tuesday. Life is not boring!