Hi Everyone, First Post. Julia - 2 years old :)

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Julia's Mom & Dad

Hello, My name is Julia. -- We (mom and dad) have been reading posts on and off for several months but never posted. I received an email from Granbonny asking how Julia was doing. She came across our website and urged us to post so here we are. Thanks Granbonny.

Julia was diagnosed with severe mitral valve regurg are 4 months old. They attempted a repair but it did not hold. They preformed a mitral valve replacement at 1 year old. Actually the day of her birthday. Julia recovered with flying colors and is growing fast and healthy. She is on a regular dose of coumadin and is like any other kid. People who met are very surprised when we tell them her case.

She is our gift from God and we are thankful every day. We made a small web site for her after her surgery but have not updated it with any new pictures which I promise I will do.
Granbonny said I should post the site so here it is. I will update soon.


We check Julia's PT/INR with a Roche Coagucheck which is a real life (tear) saver. I will post more details at a later date also.

Thanks Julia's mom and dad, -Jen and Kitt
Hi Julia

Hi Julia

I was so anxious for everyone to see your beautiful face that Ialso posted under Heart Talk..Thread called Inspiration. You are a Living Doll:D Granbonny
Absolutely Beautiful!!!

I'm so happy for her and that it's working out now.
Your right Bonnie, no whining after seeing her. :)
Hi Jen and Kitt-

Julia is a gorgeous little child. I'm so sorry she has to go through such terrible things at her young age. Thank God we live in the age that we do when the surgeons can perform miracles for children and adults with heart problems.

I hope you will post and keep us updated with her progress.

Take care and welcome to the site. You have lots of built-in friends. I'm sure there will be times when you will need support. We're all pretty good at that.
So many personal miracles are found in this site and this is one of the greatest. What a wonderful gift it is to have the life of a child restored to us and how proud you, her parents, are. She is beautiful. God bless and keep her - and you - always.


The resilience of a small child never ceases to amaze me. After looking at those eyes, what more can you say?
Jen and Kitt,

What a beautiful young girl.

In that I have two girls, both married and living in California, I know how precious Julia must be to you both. I can?t imagine what you all must have gone through. Thank heavens all that is now behind you all.

Given the marvels of today?s medical environment I am sure she will be just fine. I also believe that in her lifetime who knows what will be possible for her in the future.

Give Julia a hug for us.

I have to agree with what everyone else said about your little miracle, She's absolutely gorgeous. I'm sorry she had to go through such trouble and I wish her the very best in life. Please visit often and let us know how she's doing. And we would love to see updated pictures when you get a chance. Take care and God bless!
You have an absolutely beautiful little girl. You are truely blessed. I'm sorry you all had to go through such a horrible ordeal, but it is a wonderful miracle, the things they can do now adays for heart patients, young and old. Please keep us posted on this little angel and let us know how she is doing. You all take care.

Dear Jen and Kitt,

It was wonderful to visit your website today. What a beautiful child. I am sure you can never get enough of comments like this.

OH..Those beautiful eyes! How wonderful to know she is doing fine. I know it's difficult to keep your chin up while she went thru this!!!!

My daughter was 6 yrs old going thru a heart Cath and I remember the 'panic' I felt! She is 42 now and does have some heart problems and aortic stenosis which will eventually lead to replacement like me....BUT has led a very ordinary life..has had children, and is doing ok.

So, keep positive thoughts and know the technology grows in leaps and bounds each year....all to her benefit for a long/normal/productive life.

Zipper *~*
For anyone who doesn't believe in miracles, they need to get a look at this beautiful little girl. May the Lord continue to bless your life.
From a much older Julia

From a much older Julia

What a beautiul, beautiful little girl! So pleased to hear she is doing well......gives me lots of hope before my own surgery!

Best wishes !

Best wishes !

Your daughter is truely a beautiful wee lassie ...I hope she continues to do well. Just to let you know that when I was young I had ops and my parents were frightened that I wouldn't live long ...I am now 42 yrs old and have three wonderful kids of my own ...I only tell you this to encourage you ...take care of yourselves and enjoy your beautiful wee girl .
Welcome to the group. Thank you for sharing Julia's story and those heart-warming pictures. They are a sure sign of the hidden miracles of life.

-- roy --
hi jen and kitt!
welcome to this wonderful place. as you can already see, everyone is so supportive and caring.
julia is just an absolutely beautiful little girl. i also have 2 girls (15 and 18) and the thought of having to go
through what you went through with julia is so upsetting to me. i'm so happy that she is doing well. life can be
so good sometimes.
please keep us posted on julia and come back and visit with us.
wishing you all the best, sylvia