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I think i am getting on top of it. The only thing is is that it occurs when i go for walks, so i am a bit scared of walking about and getting back on my feet. Any advice?

A-Fib is scary stuff.

A-Fib is scary stuff.


My heart is in constant A-F. I take meds for it, but it still beats all kinds of wierd. My cardio told me the same thing...... "it's okay, just take your meds".

Until I started the rehab class at the hospital..... either someone walked with me or I carried a cell phone. Like you, my funky heart beat, the surgery and life in general had me pretty freaked out about that time. It's very comforting to be in a rehab class with a nurse there monitoring you, until you get a little confidence back.

Exercise is a good thing.... I'd recommend you talk to your doctor about a rehab class.

Best wishes! :)

Very interesting stuff here. Sorry Lancashireland, about those A fib things, and all the rest of you that suffer it. Yuck. I have not had that problem, tho the Docs warned me about it. I have suffered with arrythmias most of my life, and know that they can be terrifying. Amazing what we can get used to, huh?
out for a stroll

out for a stroll

Hi Si
Saw your post about walking. As previously suggested it is always a good idea to have someone with you and just gradually increase the distance every few days but try not to over estimate how far you can push yourself at this stage. I remember doing that and then scaring myself that I couldn't get home again!!
Hope you keep up the good work. Adrienne.:
It is good to see you post! No apology needed for the memory lapse... I still use that excuse on occasion and it has been one year since my surgery! lol

Recovery can be a scary prospect, but remember... you will be back to your old self in no time at all!

Again, welcome.

Take care,
Mitral Valve Repair 10/00
Pericarditis 11/00
Pleural Effusion 12/00
Dxed with CML (leukemia) 1/01
Dxed with Breast Cancer 4/01
Mastectomy 5/01
hi simon!
are you taking any meds for the a-fib? how long have you had them? do you still have them? have they put you on some sort of blood thinner/coumadin? hope this all works itself out. sometimes meds can take care of the a-fib.
what does your dr. say?
be well and "baby steps" is a good place to start, i guess.
please let us know.


So glad you have come so far. You are doing great and glad you are able ro ramble. Nothing wrong with that. Part of the healing process. Good sign that you are doing better. Keep it up and keep doing what the doctors tell you. You are doing great. Keep coming in. You are an inspiration.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's Valve
Glad its over

Glad its over

hi Simon I am fairly New her but do remember Qit well how important it was for me to recieve email from my hear support friends so I just wanted to tell you as well that things may seem a bit crazy right now and at times you may feel like your strength is not coming back fast enough or you just want to sit down and cry like a baby for no reason. Wellllll. Its all part of recovery hon so just take it all with a grain of salt. You are young and got plenty of time to get your strength back to enjoy a very full life. take care my friend.
Doing a lot better

Doing a lot better

Hi Guys

Thank you very very much for all your continued support, it is much appreciated. I am doing a lot better. AF has virtually stopped with meds but will remain on them till feb. I am alot more chatty, cheerful and like my oldself. However i have changed for the better. Allready i have noticed that i am a lot more positive and the events of 7 weeks ago r a distant memory! I am just starting to get on my feet again although i feel really faint when i go for a walk. I am very frustrated cause the hosp say i should be walking over a mile a day but i just cant cause i feel bad but there u go. Anyway just wanted to send everyboby my continued thanks, love and best wishes to everybody cause u have been a constant source of strenght to me!


Hey Si - So good to see you back on board. It's going to be all downhill for you now, I hope. Sounds like you've got under control. Don't worry about the whole mile - do it in tenths and maybe they will be happy with that!! Keep on getting stronger. God bless
hi simon!
take your time on recovery. i learned the hard way that everyone's recovery is different. i thought joey would get home, rest a week and run a marathon the week after....NOT!after reading some posts we both thought he would have a very easy recovery like many others. we read about folks coming home and running and playing golf in no time!
he is still sore in the chest and is just now starting to sleep a little better (8 weeks post op!). although he is walking a lot, the thought of swinging a golf club is scary to him right now.

i realized that it is a very slow process and cannot be rushed. you truly must listen to your body and give it the rest it is telling you it needs. as you gain some strength, you will feel stronger and able to do more.

don't worry and just relax and get well.by the way, what are you taking for the afib?
please keep us posted. stay well,
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Hi Si, Just read your post and am really pleased to hear that you are improving all the time. However just wanted to say that the docs are great but they have never had the surgery so what they quote and what you are able to do sometimes does not always match. Just keep on listening to your body and you will get to the goalposts. Keep well. Adrienne.:)