Here We Go Again (Tropical Storm)

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Once again we are starting to brace for another storm. Tropical storm Faye is slowly moving up Florida. It is expected to go out to sea around Daytona,
head north and then move west in Northeast Florida (my area) late Thursday or sometime Friday. By that time it is expected to be a category 1 hurricane.

Jacksonville Naval Air has evacuated all airplanes and the ships will leave Mayport Naval Station tonight. Hopefully not much will happen but we could get as much as 10 inches of rain.

I am sorry but I will not be providing live video coverage during the storm :D.

Hoping and praying for the best.
We thought we were going to get more than we are getting in Central Florida. Until this morning they didn't think you would get much...sorry The ships in Mayport getting underway makes me remember how much I hated the one time my husband had to leave on a ship for a hurricane and I got to deal with the house, kids and storm! Some things about being retired from the navy are much nicer than being active duty!!:D
Hope you all stay safe down there -- we sure could use some of that rain up here. Have never seen it so dry. Of course, we don't want 20 inches all at once -- or like the remnants of Hurricane Camille in '69, more than 30 inches in one night. Will never forget that....
Some things about being retired from the navy are much nicer than being active duty!!:D

Swim mom, I agree with your statement. It is hard to believe I have been retired from the navy for 11 years now. I was always in helicopter squadrons so all I had to do was fix the helos so they could fly away from the storms.
Although there are certain things I miss about the navy, I do not miss the long deployments and workup cycles between deployments.

No live video coverage awwww...guess I will just have to watch the weather channel then. Stay safe and I hope it dies out before it hits land.
the national weather guy said yesterday that when it reaches Ponce deLeon (pronounced ponce deeLeeon here -they don't speak spanish round these parts, well except for the Mexicans) after coming westward from Jax, it will turn north. Ponce deLeon is 10 miles east of our town - 17 miles east of my HOUSE! We don't know yet what we will get but it's not going to be fun. It's very muggy out there and feels hot. We are just waiting to see where it goes once it gets to Jacksonville tomorrow. Better to get rain than winds, tho. We don't need any, tho. they are telling us it's a 'rain event'. Huh?

It looks like TS Fay might finally be moving out of our area, back on land and headed your way. I live in the eastern part of Orlando, and we came out of this relatively well -- only about 6 inches of rain and winds up to about 45 mph. But about 20 miles east of us, and to the coast, there was really heavy rain and terrible flooding.

The claim was that the area from Melbourne up to near Cape Canaveral had 6 months worth of rain all in one day! This is a rough way to come out of a drought.
It's at St Augustine and partly moved in. Jax looks like it's getting lots of water. Tallahassee is next and then we have nothing concrete to go on as to what track it's going to take. Hope it doesn't drop back into the Gulf on this side of the state. Guess we will get an update at 5 pm. We are about a half mile north of I-10 and so far it's looking like it will just plain follow I-10 - like the rest of the tourists. So far, the sun is shining and all is quiet; maybe a little too quiet.

I have seen hurricanes all my life and this one's track is the strangest so far!
I am in Keystone Heights, Fl. and this storm is sitting right on top of us. Weather guy says we will be dealing with it for another 36 hours:eek: That is way too much rain for me, but our lakes in the area sure could use it!
The weather has just been tooo strange all together...

The weather has just been tooo strange all together...

I went outside a couple of days ago when we were having TStorms in my area and I actually saw swirling rotation in the clouds right over my brother's condo, and this is something that we usually never see here in NH. The rain has been just incredible here and the ground is absolutely saturated (sp) from all the rain. Hope everyone in Florida stays safe with this storm. Harrybaby:eek::eek::eek:
we are still waiting for rain but it won't be here til during tonight and over the weekend with lots of it expected - today we have had sunshine, clouds, a tiny bit of wind but it's still yet to come. Only moving toward us at 5 mph along the panhandle coastline. Yaps will be getting it tomorrow, too and Sunday.
Keystone Heights is about 20 minutes north east of Gainesville, and 40 minutes south of Jacksonville. We are one county West of St.Augustine. is still windy and raining!:(
Get ready Ann! This storm loves to just hang around! I must say it was a little stronger than I thought it would be. Especially lastnight, the winds were really howling.
Now I know where you are, Kari. You were right in the middle of the stuff! Bless your heart!

we still have only slight winds. Daughter made a few sandbags for outside front door if we need them. We are all ready for whatever comes - at least what is expected. One never knows.

Our news is that it won't be much wind, just bunches of rain. It is to begin sometime during the night or tomorrow and last all through Sunday. well, if it ever leaves Kari's house.

One of our Sunday School teachers called to ask me to lead our class on Sunday morning. He and his wife have a visiting son; they all have reservations at the BEACH! and can't get their $ back if they cancel. I told him I would do it "Lord willin and the creek don't rise". <:)

And if our dirt road isn't washed away.
Our weather guy said we would mostly see just rain also, but alot of these bands carry some pretty mean winds with them, so batten down the hatches!
I know Jacksonville is seeing alot of flooding, but Karl could probably tell you more about that area. We have some small limbs down and a pool littered with leaves, but that is about all. I am really surprised that we kept our electric and phone. From what I understand, if you still have power and your roof isn't leaking, you're very lucky!!