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How nice of you to miss me! This past week has been kind of a blur for me, as Im sure it has for most of those here. It is amazing to ponder all that has happened, and is yet to happen.
I suppose I got a little down about it all, as I would have expected.

I am feeling well. Saw my Cardio last week, thought it was echo time. It wasnt. He asked if I had any complaints. I said "yeah, I dont have much energy, my muscles are weak, Im short of breath and I cant do anything". He said "harumph, whaddya expect, cha gawt hart diseese". He is East Indian and quite a guy! I love him!! We both just laughed and laughed. All is well. Just suffering along with the rest of America.
A friend of Hensylee

A friend of Hensylee

Hi everyone. My best friend is Hensylee and she has asked me to let you all know that she will be back soon. Her computer crashed and she will, hopefully, get it back up soon. She really misses you all and ..her computer.. I will let her know that you all are asking for her. Thank you....
Hi Hensylee's Best Friend,

Thanks for posting on Hensylee's behalf. Tell her we were beginning to get worried that something had happened to her and that we're all glad that she will be back soon.

You can also tell her that despite her absence she is still leading the field with 327 posts although Nancy is catching up real fast. If she just gets that computer cranked up she'll be back outta the pits and in front position once again.
Hello, hello, hello. Missed you all. This miracle invention is a window on the world, believe me.

A few other things happened while offline. Had to take my bro to nursing home, but he might come back home as he's getting better. If any of you know what Shy Drager is, that might be his problem!!

Then the computer went down. Then, I was pleasantly strolling down the street, something clicked in my leg/hip bone. It got sore, I got xrays twice w/nothing showing, but could barely walk - ended up w/cane and then walker!! Have had a shot and it seems to be helping a little. Then while I was uptown, my car died, thankfully at the gas station.

So maybe ya'll didn't want to hear from me these past weeks!

Today the sun shines, it was in the 40's this am, a beautiful day altogether and I am thankful for every moment of it.

I appreciate your caring and kindnesses - could use a few prayers, too.

Those whose surgs I have missed, and those who are getting ready, my prayers have been with you every day. God bless:) :D :D :) :D :)
Welcome Back Hensylee

Welcome Back Hensylee

:) Great to have you back again. And sorry to hear you've had such a rough time - talk about troubles not coming singly. I do hope the walking will soon improve, and your brother be out of hospital.

I've always though the same thing about cars and computers - fabulous until they go wrong.

Wishing you a trouble free spell - you deserve it.