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Well-known member
Sep 20, 2006
Cullman, Alabama
Well, Noel has taken a slight head cold...sort of what I had last week and still have...should we call the surgeon and reschedule...should we call our internist and see him first? I just know this is going to throw a monkey wrench in everything and we just wanted it to be over. But neither do we need extra risks. Cath was schedule for the 14th and surgery the 15th. Nervously waiting. Robbie
There aren't many cures for a cold other than lots of liquids and waiting it out. Why not wait a few days and see how long this one lasts and if it is still hanging around give the surgeon's office a call.
You should notify the surgeon and let him decide what to do. You certainly don't want Noel to go into any kind of surgery with a potential infection or even having just gotten over one. His immune system could be out of sorts even after the cold is over, and he will need all of that immune system to recover from surgery.

The surgeon is the one to make any decisions in this regard. It does take an enormous effort to get any open heart surgery scheduled, so you would want to give as much notice as possible to the surgeon.
Vit C.......

Vit C.......

Hi, If I were you I wouldnt panic just yet. You could try Vitamin C and lots of fluids, or as much as Noel can have if he is fluid restricted. You will know in a day or two if it is truly just a cold or if it is something more....10 days is plenty of time to get over a cold ..And I pray for you both thats all it is.


Could it be allergies?I know, we are having problems around here in my neck of the woods with allergies. What are his symptoms?...If it is just in his head and not chest..could be allergies.....I have the runny nose, watering eyes..Hubby is in the process of removing all the carpet in our home and we are going with all wood floors.He finished removing the den carpet yesterday. should have seen the particles a flying everywhere.:eek: anyway, yes, I would call the doctor. just in case it should turn worse. Bonnie
Some folks on here swear by Zicam to shorten or stop a cold in its tracks. I have only tried it once when I was pretty sure I was getting the throat thing my kids had just gotten over and I never did get that cold.... Can't hurt, might help.
He thinks...

He thinks...

He thinks it's his sinuses...draining. I have had a "head" sore throat , and now have a cough I just figured he was getting what I had. We will call the doctor tomorrow..and probably the surgeon too. Maybe his will be all better in the morning. He doesn't feel bad. But it does scare me that this has come right before. Thank you for all your advice.
Extra Vit C
tons of fluids
he should be good in a few days..
Let the surgeon make the call. No way should he go into this with a cold or anything. It's much too dangerous.
Noel's surgery???

Noel's surgery???

Just wondering how Noel's cold is Robbie and if you had to reschedule the surgery- hope all is fine with both of you!