Heart Spasms?

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
I've been very busy during the last year or so and haven't been "in tune" to my body much. I have occasionally had bouts of angina - for some reason mostly while doing laundry, hanging clothes in our closets and taking baskets of folded clothes upstairs. I've mentioned it to my doctor, but he assured me that my arteries looked great on the last catherization (3yrs. ago).

However, last night while watching tv in my son's room, I drifted to sleep and woke up with the left side of my chest feeling like it was contracting, then "wiggling" around, over and over (for less than 3-4 minutes), but it scared me so badly that I just continued to lay on my side and tried not to breath. It didn't happen again, but it left me feeling rather strange. I slept well afterwards, but again this morning, my heart just feels tired. Has anyone ever experienced anything similar? Is this a cause for concern? I called my cardio to speak with a nurse, but they are all with patients and will call me later today.

In the meantime, I've "Googled" heart spasms. According to what I've read, these spasms can be pre-cursers to heart attacks. I can't help but wonder if this is my body's way of warning me to pay closer attention. I have a mechanical mitral valve ( 3 yrs post op), and have just in the last year or so began to feel like I could get on with my life. Thanks for listening, and if you have any input, please let me know.
the word heart attack is kind of a vague word, but usually it's meant to describe a myocardial infarction. When I think about "heart spasm", I think of an arrhythmia, like a PVC, PAC, Atrial Fibrillation or Ventricular Tachycardia or something like that. Those aren't necessarily pre-cursors to an MI. A Myocardial Infarction happens when a plaque within the coronary artery breaks lose or when the artery becomes so occluded it shuts off blood flow to a part of the heart causing muscle to die. An arrhythmia is an errant beat or electrical signal flying around the heart. One CAN happen because of the other, but... i'm not sure how likely it is.
Hi, I just wondered if you were lying on your left side, because if I lie on my left side my heart will do the flip/flop thing. I hope you get good news from your cardio. Best wishes :cool:
As EireCara points out, a lot of people (including myself) get palpitations or just weird sensations when lying on their left side, long after the surgery and the healing process are over. It's apparently because lying on your left (your heart is a bit to the left side) lets the rest of your body's organs rest on and put a little pressure on your heart. That's the most likely cause of your discomfort.

If it repeats or you're concerned, you should check with your cardiologist to see what type of arrhythmias you're having, so you can determine if there is a need for concern. You may need to wear a Holter or other monitor for a while to track your misrhythms.

There is a type of heart attack that can be caused by spasming of the cortonary arteries, but it's rare, and usually requires that there be blockage (atherosclerosis) already present in the arteries to cause much damage.

Of course, if you feel you've had a heart attack or stroke, the place to be is in the ER, rather than on the PC. You can always post about it later.

Best wishes,
You should consult a doctor, but your description sounds a little like the spasms I get in my digestive system from my IBS. Often when I slept on my side I would feel weird sensations and noises from my intenstines up to my esophagus. I used to think my problems were heart-related but it was just gas. Do you hear any gurgling sounds when this happens?
thank you!

thank you!

Duff Man, Jacqui, Bob, and Bill,

Thank you for your responses and for helping ease my concerns. Yes, I was lying on my left side so I'm sure that was all it was. I have felt the "flip-flop" many other times, this time it lasted longer and woke me from sleep. Either way, my cardiologist did call me back this afternoon, but I was visiting a friend in the hospital and had my phone off. But, we'll continue playing phone tag and hopefully we'll make contact tomorrow. Again, thank you for your input. Have a wonderful day!
