Heart Rate Post OHS

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2006
Perth, West Australia.
Well its been 8 months since surgery and an hour ago i was tidying out the pill drawer and found my heart monitor so i thought, hey, stick it on and see what the reading is.

Well walking around its about 75/80 where before it was around 95. Sitting here typing its around 65.

I guess that is the norm with the heart re-modeling after surgery and all but its nice to see the figures dropping anyway.

Seeing my cardio this month for a 6 month checkup and looking forward to dropping the coversyl from my med's list.

Not sure what he will do about the 2.5mg of Bicor a day, it's a tiny pill so not sure if it can be reduced....had assumed i'd be on a beta blocker for the rest of my life but seeing my heart rate drop nearly 20 points makes me wonder. Anyone with any experience of these meds post avr.

Wow! That's awesome, hope mine does something like that soon! I'm on 12.5 of Toprol and it's still in the 80's - 90's :(
Mine fluctuates all over the place at just shy of a year (Anniversary in 3 weeks)
I can run 75 sometimes or 105 or anywhere between. I never know from time to time what it will be during the day. I am still on 25 mg of toprol a day.
mmm, kept the monitor on for the rest of the day.

Had it on for 4 hours 42 minutes, the average heart rate was 67 and the max was 86.

Now that was general day to day household activity...but at one point it dropped to 46 when i was sitting down watching tv with my legs tucked under me. I felt fine but it mmm...

That seems a bit on the low side, will ask the cardio about that one.
Hey there Lance Armstrong... :D Pulse in the 40's hmmmm......

Haven't had that problem yet unfortunately, I had to go BACK on the BB's because when I'm off them my resting pulse seems to be about 90-100, too high. On a BB it is 80 or so and at least at that rate I feel decent.

I'm jealous, I'd like to drop that low, congrats on your recovery Magic8.

All my best,
Post-Surgery HR

Post-Surgery HR

My resting HR before surgery was around 60. It was in the 100 - 120 bpm range in the first few days right after surgery. I guess it was the swelling from the surgery. It slowly dropped down until it was in the low 90's when I left the hospital 9 days after surgery. I was on Toprol 50mg at that time. I went and got a massage a few days after leaving the hospital and that lowered my HR by 10 bpm to the low 80's/high 70's and it stayed down. I guess the fact that I had not had a good workout in about 2 months caused a buildup of lactic acid in my muscles, and the massage got rid of the lactic acid. I was wearing my HR monitor practically all the time the first week or so after leaving the hospital. Eventually I stopped wearing the HR monitor and switched to checking my pulse by hand. A month after surgery my HR had dropped to low 70's/high 60's. My cardiologist switched the Toprol 50 mg for Tenormin 12.5mg. -Dan