Heart issues and cancer

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Debrinha GT

Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
Hi everyone. First of all I want you all to know that I really appreciate you posting on my last thread. From now on I`ll be posting in here for a while as I`m now moving on to the next stage which is the treatment.
I had my pet scan last Friday and I`ve already been to the doctor`s for the result. It looks like my tumour started in the lung but unfortunately it has affected my lynth nodules. I`ll be starting quimo 2 weeks from Today. With that they hope to shrink the tumour and attack any cancerous cells that may have spread as the scan only shows what`s over a few centimetres. The doctor has also said that by doing this, the lymph nodules should also settle. Of course this was explained to me propelry but I just can`t remember the exact words they used. It`s this specialist on quimo who will be doing my thing so she explained to me all about the drugs and how I`ll feel, etc. My hair will become thin too. They`ll be monitoring my heart so when I go to the hospital, they`ll be keeping me overnight just to be on the safe side. Hopefully this should do the trick but they`ve offered me no guarantees though. Meanwhile, they`ll decide when they can actually operate on my heart again as no doctors would touch it at this moment for it would be far too risky!! I know that heart surgeries are risky enough without the person having other major issues but since there`s nothing I can do about it, I`d like to know if any of you here has had or heard of someone who`s had to deal with cancer as well as a heart condition and/or surgery??
My mum and daughter are leaving Brazil on June 5th and they`ll be here for a while to give me and my husband support and help me out with some of the practical things. Although it will be a tough time, we`re definitely looking to have some enjoyment too.
Thank you again for reading.
Hi Deborah, I know the chemo will be tough but it does work for many many people, there are great results with it. I just wondered, did the doctor mention surgery when the tumour shrinks, and do you smoke ??

I will continue to remember you in my prayers.

Best Wishes.
mornin, Debora - I am so sorry that you have yet another issue to deal with. It sounds like they are trying very hard to take really good care of you. I believe we have had a few who dealt with cancer along with heart issues but not to the degree that you have. We'll just wait to see who comes in and what they have to say. Hopefully they can get this under control and you will be on your way again. You know that we are here with you. There might be times you won't feel like writing to us but know that we will be right here when you do. I am glad for you that you have this board of wonderful members to cheer you on.

Enjoy your visit with your mother and precious daughter.

Prayers and blessins.........
mornin, Debora - I am so sorry that you have yet another issue to deal with. It sounds like they are trying very hard to take really good care of you. I believe we have had a few who dealt with cancer along with heart issues but not to the degree that you have. We'll just wait to see who comes in and what they have to say. Hopefully they can get this under control and you will be on your way again. You know that we are here with you. There might be times you won't feel like writing to us but know that we will be right here when you do. I am glad for you that you have this board of wonderful members to cheer you on.

Enjoy your visit with your mother and precious daughter.

Prayers and blessins.........

Ditto to everything that Ann wrote; she has said it better than I could.
Hang in there, and we'll be here to offer all our support!:)
I will certainly be thinking of you. You're going to beat this stay positive. Enjoy your Mom and daughter's visit. Come on in here when you can and when you need us the most.
I am truly sorry to read about this difficult health issue. My prayers are with you. Your post came at the same time my husband was diagnosed with liver, lung and esophageal cancer. His prognosis is grave and there is nothing we can do but keep him comfortable. I hope you have a support system as wonderful as Hospice is here in the US. Keep fighting with all you have and hold the vision of conquering this. Bless your heart and lung both
Wow what a thing to have to go through! I truly will be praying for you and your recovery. Eat extremely healthy(organic,no preservatives or dyes or processed food) which will help build your immune system. Have calming and positive thoughts daily. Take the support of your friends and family. It helps you all cope better. Thinking of you!
Deborah, I'm so sorry to hear that you're facing such a lot of problems at the moment, and your positive attitude is so admirable... I can't answer your question but I just had to post to let you know that I think you're amazing! I'm sure your strong personality will get you through all this. Very best of luck to you.

Hello and my best thoughts will go to you.
The fact that your lymph nodes arent affected is really good.
And doctors never make promises , even if they know that the
procedure they are going to do will do the trick, they are too scared
of being sued.
I will be sending positive energy your way-Dina

I have been through chemo. It is not fun, but you will get through it. Just about any problem you will have during chemo, your oncologist can address. One thing that helped me was to make a diary every day during chemo listing the symptoms for that day. It was the same with each treatment, so I could go back to look at the diary and see what I had experienced on a particular day after each chemo treatment, and whatever the problem was, I could see that it would be gone soon.

God Bless.


Hi there and thanks once more for your replies. From next week I`ll be getting heparin injections instead of the warfarin since the chemo would mess it up and it looks like it`s going to be like that through the whole treatment. I`ll also be getting blood taken to check my blood count. Not looking forward to any of this though. What I`ve been told about the chemo I`ll be doing is that I won`t really lose my hair but it will get much thinner. I don`t really know much about chemo, I mean, I know that you get sick and can feel weak and tired, but is that the same for everyone? Does that depend on the type of drug as well and how often you get it? I was told that because I`m also having issues with my heart just now, they can`t give me too much fluids so they`re working on a plan to solve that problem too. The health serive here has been second to none and they`re not trying to make any cuts to save money or anything of the sort. I`ll be going to see the doctor the day before I get admmitted because she wants to make sure everything`s fine to go with it.
Can anyone shed some more light on it for me? Thanks you!
Hi Debora ~ I'm so very sorry to hear of all the problems you are having..it must be so hard for you. I've had chemo several times, but a long time ago (last time in 1983). It used to be really rough to go through, but they have improved it a lot. My neighbor had it and she didn't lose her hair (it just thinned out some) and she never was nauseous from it. It is different for everyone...different drugs produce different side effects and everyone's body responds differently. Cancer can be beaten though...my doctor was so certain i would die from my cancer that the last time it came back in 1983 he wanted to do absolutely nothing and just let it kill me, but i told him to go ahead and do the surgery, so he did, and the cancer never came back :).

Best wishes to you and lots of prayers that you will come through this all and be cured. It sounds like you've got a wonderful doctor who will give you the best care possible. God Bless. ~HUGS~ Dawn-Marie
Chemo symptoms are very dependent on the type of chemo given. I had some pretty hefty stuff, but a friend who had a lower heart ejection fraction could not do that, and had the type where your hair thins and does not all come out. She did very well with it.

My hair was gone along with eyebrows and everything else. That wasn't fun, but now I have a good head of hair.

There are many types of chemo depending on the type of cancer. So the treatments are very specialized.

Here is a good site started by Scott Hamilton the famous ice skater:

Debora, my prayers will be with you. I am so glad that you will have your Mom and daughter to help out.
OH MY HEAVENS Debora....

OH MY HEAVENS Debora....

I am horrified to hear that you have cancer. :eek::eek: I wish I knew what to say to help you cope with this, but you know you have my prayers and thoughts and total support during this difficult time. I haven't been on as much, due to college and I haven't been feeling well myself, but I want you to know that even though I am not on quite as much, I am routing you on as well as everyone here at VR.Com. :eek::eek: Harrybaby:eek:
Life goes on

Life goes on

I`m also sorry to hear that some of you have had to go through this too, and Kathleen, I can imagine how your husband must have felt when given such news. I was dreading it myself!! How is he coping? And you? My husband was feeling down for a while but he`s come to terms with it now and we`re moving on. We`ve done quite a lot of bickering as we`ve both felt under a lot of pressure but it looks like things have calmed down a bit now. You can be sure that I`ll be keeping the two of you in my prayers!!
I really hope my chemo will be kind to me and at the same time do the trick. I`m doing my very best to remain calm and positive as the last thing I need at this point is to add any more stress on and cause my heart any damage as I`ll really need it to be as strong as possible in order to go through this.
So sorry Debora, Sending hugs and prayers, hope you can remain possitive, all the best.