heart attack

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2005
formerly Beautiful Ozarks, near Branson, MO, now C
Hi All,
I need someinput here. I think yesterday that I may have had a mild heart attack. Got up not feeling quite right, had indegestion, so thought I would eat a little bit, didn't help, then my heart started racing, I got extremely hot all of a sudden and than my left arm felt like it weighed about 200 lbs. I didn't think heart attack until my arm started, and then my first thought was, nah....... surely not. I'll just wait and see how I feel in a little bit. Shortly after, my back started hurting.Afterall that passed, I just felt kind of crappy and weak. Went to bed very early. and feel good today. Was I being a total idiot ?? I've never had a heart attack before. I called a friend that is an rn and she confirmed my suspicions. But I didn't go to dr and there really isn't any need now a day later is there? We had to let our health insurance go last week,simply couldn't afford it, and we are still paying on my OHS and my broken hip. And right now, we don't even have gas money to go to a dr.
What do you all think?
My mother had a heart attack 1 1/2 years ago. Your description is very close to how she described hers. She put off going to the emergency room for two days. She had a serious heart attack. I hate it that you don't have your health insurance anymore, but YES you need to be seen by your doctor. You may not be in as good of shape as you think. Please find a way to see your doctor.
Yes, you need to go to the doctor!!!!! Sometimes heart attacks are like earthquakes. You get a little shock before you get a big one. Call now please and get in. At the very least you don't want to sit around guessing what it is that happened.

Hon - you need to go to your doctor and posthaste. Even if the attack is over, that doesn't mean the danger is past and you could possible be able to prevent permanent damage.

In addition, the symptoms you describe can also be clot related. When I was having severe TIA's, my arm would hurt, feel heavy and I would sometimes have back pain. A clot in your system can cause pain in many places.

Please go ASAP.
Do go get it checked right away. My sister's husband, after failing the standard cardiac work-up tests, had a cath yesterday. Results....at least two heart attacks (unreported and untreated) and most likely a virus that affected his heart tissue. In retrospect he remembers when "I should have gone in but....".
I don't know if it would have improved his prognosis or not but it sure wouldn't have hurt.
Hi Lovejoy,

Please go get checked right away. I had a heart attack Oct 22. I waited a hour before I even called my sister thinking I was just having arm muscle pain from gardening the day before. I had excrucuiating pain in both my arms that would not go away. I also then had extreme sweating,indigestion, back and shoulder pain. I drank a couple of sips of Miller Lite thinking if I belched i would feel better. My sister convinced me to go to ER right away when they showed up at my door.

ER gave me nitro glycerin and morphine drip and the pain final subsided in my right arm but not my left. They then told me I was definitely having a heart attack and they were going to do an angiogram to stent me. There was nothing to stent. My cardio said I must have had a blood clot that finally passed, so he thinks it was more of a heart spasm, but there was still damage to my heart. I am on a beta blocker and ace inhibitor, to help stop from having another spasm or heart attack. Please get checked post haste!
So sorry that you are having problems getting to a Dr, really hope you manage to get there and i hope everything turns out to be ok, take care
Thank you everyone! I called my cardio's office today. Nurse called me back and chewed me out royally !! I'm going in next Wed. for a check. Nurse said it sure sounds like heart attack and instructed me that if it happened again, get to ER immed and if roads are bad, call ambulance. She said do notdelay and DONOT cancel appt. for next week.
SoI'll go and we can hope and pray (prayers best)
Thanks again to everyone
Isn't it possible for your cardio to see you sooner? Next week seems like a long way off for something so important.
Double ditto. Seems very odd for a nurse to say "Yes, does sound like you had a heart attack. Can you come in next week?" I would have thought they'd want to see you now.

Certainly sending my best wishes and prayers for you. Like the others, I would feel better about it if you were going to get checked out right away. But if that's not practical, I would heed what the nurse said about getting help right away if symptoms recur before your appointment.
I had a heart attack. Your symptoms are right for it being a heart attack. Mine was misdiagnosed - the ER dr said it was GERD and they sent me home. (I already had a cardio appt set up for the next month). The days after the attack were bad. My arms, like you say, felt like they were sooo heavy and I was so weak and sick. When I finally went to the cardio for the already arranged appt, he did angiogram and found that, indeed, I had a heart attack and there was damage. Then he did quad bypass. I wish you the very best and will be listening out for your results. Blessins.........
*I feel so sad that 'money' has stopped you having the medical help you needed. I know how this feels because I am in the same position myself. Please do not wait until next Wednesday.....go to the ER if need be and get checked out. Very best Wishes.