Have you had your BMD checked?

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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2005
formerly Beautiful Ozarks, near Branson, MO, now C
Hi All,
Just wanted to bring this to attention to all the gals. Have you had a bone denisty test done? As some of you may remember, I took a tumble in May and broke my hip. I was 46 at the time. Went for a check-up w/pcp and he ordered a BMD test. He called me one day later in a panic and I went in yet again. My T-score is -3.5+. He is very concerned, has told me to quit work( very physical job) no lifting more than a gallon of milk, no playing sports with grandkids, no picking up my dogs, no twisting, turning, walking on uneven surfaces, in other words, no nothing for 2 years.Not only does this limit activity, but it caused a great deal of pain. He wants me to go on a new medication, Forteo injections daily for 22 months. He says this is the only chance I have to maybe reverse the osteoporosis to some extent. So now we are in battle with insurance company because this medication runs almost $700.00 a month!! Not just the cost is of concern, because this is a new med. longterm (more than 2 yrs) effects are unknown, and they say there is a risk of developing bone cancer. Once again, I'm telling myself that surely the benefits outweigh the risks, because according to my dr. I run an extremely high risk of another break and for me the chance of mortality from same is higher than that of 70 year woman.
So please everyone, get a bone denisty test done.

Sorry you're having problems.

Are you going to an endocrinologist or rheumatologist?
My PCP says that prior to Boniva & other oral drugs for osteoporosis, endocrinologists frequently managed osteo patients and did so with injections (dunno what the drug was, though).
I have osteoporosis in my lower spine. First took Fosamax, now take Boniva for it. My PCP said if it worsens, he'll refer me on to an endocrinologist.
Well, that truly stinks, Lovejoy. You are too young to be worrying about osteoporosis (aren't you???:eek: )! I know there has been some press somewhat recently about the hazards of long-term use of that class of drugs relative to dental health. The way it was explained to me by a friend who subscribes to a medical literature review service is that bones have different inner structures--the bigger ones being big, open honey-combish structures and the smaller ones (like jaws) having smaller less oppen structures. The drugs don't differentiate though, so all of the bones get more dense, even the ones (like the jaw) that are pretty dense to begin with. When those small-structured bones get too dense their blood supply is lessened and they have a difficult time healing, for instance, if a tooth is extracted from the jaw. It might make sense to have a thorough dental check-up and, in any case, make sure to take really good care of your teeth.:D

And, BTW, thanks for the reminder--my husband "took a tumble" in July and broke his pelvis. I just called to set up his bone density test.
Yup had mine done last year.. at 42 I am 2.6 So I started on Boniva.. Hoping my next scan shows great improvement.
Just a thought

Just a thought

There was a co-worker here in her early 40's and being treated for osteoporosis because of bad density tests, each year she'd go in for another and after massive calcium supplements, still no better. Finally she was sent to a specialist and she was tested for celiac disease and bingo! That is what is depleting her bones. Now she is on the celiac disease diet - no wheat, gluten, etc. and her bone is coming back. She never had osteoporosis. Maybe you should be tested for celiac.

Interesting Post Peggy..
I have Celiac! I tried to explain to the Endo that I was sure my Osteo was from the many years of Celiac and being lactose intolerant as well.. He assured me it had nothing to do with it..
Yeah I dumped him..
I was diagnosed 17 years ago.. but am sure most of the damage was done..and being lactose intolerant..and small boned..and having been pregnant and nursed 4 babies... I don't have much calcium left in the ole' bones! Working hard at rebuilding it tho'