Have Good THOUGHTS for Granbonny

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One of our great "heart buddies" is going off to take care of her daddy (he is having health problems). She may be there a few weeks. She might get access to a friend's computer.

At least she might get to visit VR.com some. I recommend PM (private messages) to cheer her on.

Bonnie: you know we all are pulling for you and your wonderful daddy.

Wow, she never told me about this one. Bill, you must be on her "good boy" list. I'm just rat boy!

Do what you need to do Bon and try to touch base now and then and let us know how things are going. Will keep your dad in thought and prayer also. :)


Prays for your dad, I went through it last year with my dad, sometimes there is nothing you can do but just be there!

Thanks, Bill.....Hi Bon, jot a line when you get a chance and keep us yankees posted on your Dad. We'll be praying for you!

Her dad's dr appt was 3:30 today and she said she should know something by about 7:30 so perhaps she will be in to update us before she leaves town. That's unless you have news that I don't, Bill.
Sorry to hear

Sorry to hear

Hey Bonnie, hope your dad comes through this OK. My best positive thoughts are headed your way.

Best to you and your Dad...I hope it is not too serious! You're such fun and will be missed if not able to be here! I hope all goes well for your Dad!

Thanks to all of you

Thanks to all of you

Posting early..couldn't sleep..Will talk to my brother this morning. He had Daddy all day in Montgomery, Ala. for tests..Took him home and went to church. Good Southern Baptist.Wed. Night..Daddy was so tired but this is what he said. After many tests, echo, ect. it was decided he was Too old to operate on..Age 88. He has a 5.1 aneurysm in his stomach....I was planning on going as soon as the operation was scheduled...but now, Will wait and go after my own PCP appointment Monday..John and I will spend some time with him trying to explain that he could live a normal life..He is so active..Still maintaining everything on the homefront like it was when Mama was living. She died one year ago...Rather have him a few more years this way than taking a chance that an operation would be more dangerous. Glad the surgeons were honest with my brother. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers. Bonnie
That sounds like a proper course of action to me. Had an elderly neighbor (lived to be 98) and her brother had an aneurysm for years. Back then he was given 50-50 chance of survival so he opted for no surgery. He lived to be a very ripe old age and enjoyed all the rest of his life. Don't even think that the aneurysm was the cause of his demise. So, my best wishes to him for all good things, Bonnie - you, too.:)
bonnie, hi

Hope your doing well handling such a mentally stressful experience. I had a lot of that with my mother, who died last may(86). GOLDEN AGES are not really so bright.
Your posts are so upbeat that I would hate to see you bearing any burdens that would alter that.
My best hopes and thoughts am sending to you.

God bless
Thanks Ram

Thanks Ram

Hubby just called Daddy to cheer him up..I heard him laughing ..he said Daddy was going outside to cut grass in front yard..That's my Dad:D He will not let it get him down:) :) And this is a push lawn mower...Bonnie
Geez, now I feel bad, my lawn needs mowing and I don't think I feel up to it. I am a wus.

Thanks for updating us.

All the best to y'all from afar.

i'm so sorry you have to go through this difficult time. we've been going through similar health issues with joey's parents (83 and 85).
i wish you and your dad all the best and please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.
thinking of you, sylvia
Hi Bonnie,
It sounds like your dad is quite a guy.
Enjoy all the time with him you can because you are very fortunate to still have him.
Both my parents and my wifes have been gone for many years.
Lost my dad at 64 and my grandfather at 44 which was before I was born.
On the lighter side I wish I was cutting grass instead of shoveling snow.
Hang in there. At that age, I don't think I'd want anyone messing with my inners anyhow. Heck, at the age I am, I don't want anyone messing with them. It's tough, but I'm sure he'll be just fine in the long run. Besides, with a family like he has, he has to be. I'll be praying for all non the less. :)