has anyone ever heard of or tried doctor

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alpha 1

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
Pettersson from the Cleveland Clinic and does anyone know if he deals with complex aortic issues and aortic valve repair. I read that he does repairs, has anyone ever dealt with this with him before. Need some info also would like to know if he deals with the connective tissue disorders. thanks
alpha 1:confused:
I almost decided to go with him for my second surgery. He seems very intelligent and I think he takes on very complex cases. He reviewed my records within a couple of weeks after I sent them to him. I would have had my surgery with him but it was easier logistically for me to go to the Mayo Clinic.
Just a suggestion, but if you go to search and type in the correct spelling of Petersson, you get three interesting older threads that discuss Dr. Petersson. Good luck with your surgery.
He did a successful bicuspid AV repair about three weeks ago on lleonard's (username) son. They seemed to be very pleased.
dr p

dr p

francie 12,
i tried to pm you and it came back saying that you didnt exist, so i will try later, maybe it will work then.
alpha 1
Hi--Sorry you weren't able to PM me. I do exist! Maybe you put a space between francie and 12? I hope I'll be able to answer any questions...I'll be happy to try.
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do you have an email or something, i tried to pm you again and it still will not go through. i had some questions i wanted to ask. i will try again. i tried typing in the name both ways. thanks.
alpha 1:confused:
I had Dr. Petterson do my homograft aortic valve replacement in 2000. I liked him a lot and had absolutely no problems. I think my procedure was a little more run of the mill than what you are having, but just wanted to let you know that I would go with him again should I need him.