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I bet you can read this all by yourself this year now that you are in kindergarten!!!!

Wishing you a perfectly wonderful day!!

{{{{{Birthday Hugs}}}}}
Andrew & Jen :)
Happy Birthday Katie !!!!

Happy Birthday Katie !!!!

Dear Katie, Wishing you a really lovely day and lots and lots of presents and cake and icecream and whatever you feel like !!
lots of love
Ernie & Wendy :) :) :) :)
Happy Birthday, Katie. I hope Mom and Dad spoil you big time tomorrow!:D

Hope you get everything a Princess like you deserves and your day is magical.

Happy Birthday.
Make your mother read ALL the birthday wishes we are sending to you.

Then ask your mother if she told you that we are growing frogs at our house, and I have offered to send tadpoles your way so you can have frogs too!:) :) :)
Wouldn't you like some tadpoles for your birthday, Katie?
Just let me know!

Give Trip a hug (he'll love that, I know);) and enjoy your birthday party!
Hugs and Kisses,
Oh, thank you guys!!!!!

Oh, thank you guys!!!!!

So much! This is a really big one for us! Katie will finally be older than the number of heart surgeries she has had!!!! YIPPEEEE!!! Wahoooo!!!!!:D :D

The presents are bought and wrapped, the goodie bags filled, the cake picked up................but I will never, ever get Katie to sleep tonight. She is wound up, trying to come up with some reason why she should be able to open her presents tonight! :D Tried to talk her into a haircut for the big day tomorrow, but no such luck. She says that God made her hair this way and if he wanted it cut, He'd cut it!!! :confused: I think she must have switched religions at school - darn public schools!:D

Anyway, yes, Katie was able to read some of her sight words on here, even made out Sue's name, but I couldn't explain the 943 part. She thought that was a funny name. :D She wanted to know how all these people know so much about her........heehee! :D I'll never tell, but you guys will probably spill the beans to her one of these days. Speaking of, thanks a lot, Mary, yes, she does want frogs. You just had to go and put that didn't you? Ya couldn't let me just skip over your "generous" offer? :D

Okay, got to run. I'm sure I will be back later to check in. Got to do something while I drink myself into oblivion tonight. I figured if I started now, I will be really "ready" for that PuttPutt full of kindergartners tomorrow! ;) :D Just kidding, of course!

Many hugs. Janet and Katie
Chloe sends a big birthday kiss to her valve friend too!!

Have a wonderful day!!!

Loads of love
Emma and Chloe
Happy Birthday Pretty Katie!!

May all your wishes come true!!

(that is how my own daughter, now 19 years old, has always signed her birthday cards to other people..... since the time she could write....probably when she was about 7 years old!! :D )

XXOOXX Marguerite
gijanet said:
She wanted to know how all these people know so much about her........heehee! :D I'll never tell, but you guys will probably spill the beans to her one of these days.


Of course!

But, she hasn't figured it out by the visits we've had the last few years in Dallas? ;) He he he Yeah yeah yeah...I know ... she's just a kid!
