Grey's Anatomy fans??????

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
This show really stirs my emotions- I guess because I can relate to the reality of hospital drama. The patient who went through so much for a heart transplant and then finally passed away absolutely broke my heart. Does anyone else relate to these stories and does it touch your heart lide it does mine?
Yeah. I'm hooked. Poor Izzy. Poor Denny. Poor Burke. Tonight's show somehow didn't grab me like they sometimes do (last night's, for instance), but I do enjoy Grey's Anatomy.
My daughter went to bed justa cryin. I saw a little of it, but it is too much fantasy for me. I know real people in real situations would not be doing a lot of that, especially in a hospital. I have tried but I just can't get into it. The same goes for daytime soaps. On the other hand, same goes for Desparate Housewives and I love that one because it's so silly - but it doesn't even try to copy real life as medical shows do. Go figure.

We have decided not to watch Survivor next time - too repetitive.
We have also quit Real Deal - same reason.

Cold Case is good.
Ghost Whisperer is good.

I still like Murder, She Wrote reruns and have seen them all 10 times each.

Like I said, go figure.
TV, fantasy, whatever, if it remotely looks real, it stirs alot of bad memories up for me and yes I do take them hard.
I saw last night. I think an hour a week of "Grey's" is great - I never miss it; 2 hours was too much. Got bored.
I had several people at work ask me if my husband saw Greys Anatomy last night and how it made him feel. Yes he did watch it because its one of his favorite shows. Its on too late for me. I will ask him tonight what he thought as he was watching it. I thought it curious people at work thought of him when they saw it.
I felt more emotion during the dawg scene than during any of the "human" drama.:eek: :eek: :eek: :( Been thru that "gathering around the table to say good-bye" too many times. :( :(

Oh, the friends that await me over the rainbow.:eek: :)

Like I said in another post, it's been a bad month for DEATH on most of the TV programs. It is surprising that we can become so attached to our TV family too.

Better get off here before someone wonders why I have a tear in my eye.:eek: :p

May God Bless,

Grey's Anatomy

Grey's Anatomy

I love that show. It is right up there with Desperate Housewives. I did cry when Denny died but was really surprised with Meredith and Derick. That was some sexy scene. Showed the part that was left off due to time on Good Morning America. It was with Meredith and Dr. Vet who is equally gorgeous. How come she gets both? Not fair. It sure is better than forsenic shows all the time. How did you all like the Prom? :D
I also cried when the dog died, of course I'm a big animal lover.

I'm watching House right now. Great show!
I never get hooked on TV shows until Gray's... Of course I cried when the dog died, how awful. I for some reason was not at all surprised by Meredith and her "McDreamy" encounter... I just knew that was going to happen sometime this or next season. I hate that the season's over... I could watch it year-round.... I did think that the whole Denny scenario was totally absurd, though, but I guess that's the nurse in me.... until next season....
I LOVE Grey's Anatomy! I got hooked on it this year, and never even saw it last season. My hubby and son got Season 1 on DVD for me for Mother's Day. I can't wait to start watching that! I think I'll save it for when I'm recouperating from my PVR this summer. Something to look forward to.

I cried when the dog died, when Denny died, when Alex carried Izzy out of the room, when Christina finally went into Burke's room and held his hand...

And Derek and Meredith had that coming - there was so much tension between the two.

I think George's Callie is a bit freaky. I hope she doesn't turn into some sort of stalker or something.

I know that the show is over the top, but it's fiction, and the writing is fantastic. I'm already looking forward to next season (on Thursday nights opposite CSI).