Greetings From Canada!!!

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Hello from The Great White North!!! I am Braveheart4 and have had emergency open heart surgery to remove an infected Pacemeaker. I had Endocarditis, Septicaemia, Mulit-organ failure and about 12 hrs. to live when my Doctors and the team at London Health Sciences Centre, Ontario, Canada, saved my life. My Tricuspid Valve was totally ruined from the endocarditis and needed an annular ring sewn in to support it. I also had a gastric stress ulcer and nearly bled to death 10 days post-op. I spent a month in hospital and was home a short time when I had to be readdmitted for an infected swollen hand. It was then discovered that my Aortic Valve was being destroyed by the same infection and I was told that I need to have the valve replaced soon, as it was leaking very badly. Has anyone out there ever had an infected pacemaker??? Has anyone had a second open-heart procedure and can tell me if it was better/worse etc.?/ I really know no one personally with whom to chat and find out the patient's side of the experience. Thanks!! I love this site and the forum. Braveheart4
Wow, Braveheart, you have really been through the mill! Welcome to the Forum. I don't have experience equivalent to yours (one OHS of 5 hours was enough for me :D ) but the good thing about this Forum is that people will come along who do have relevant experiences. Look forward to seeing your posts here.
Welcome to the community, Braveheart4. We're practically neighbours (I live in Waterdown).

I can't offer you any insights or advice as my situation was not anything like yours. I've only had one OHS to repair a mitral valve. However, there's such a variety of experiences here so hopefully somebody will come along who has information or insight related to your situation.

Again, welcome.
Welcome Braveheart; glad you found this site! You've sure been through it! There are several here who have had their chests opened for OHS even more than twice. For some it was worse; for some it wasn't as bad as the first time. There are a lot of variables. There are many members here who have had several pacemakers over the years also. If you don't get any replies about that, try starting another thread, either in the heart or the pre- or post-op forum, and put something like "pacemaker infection?" in the title. Post again and take care.
Welcome to the Forum, Braveheart!
It's not the best of circumstances to meet you in, but we are a friendly group!:)

*just ignore the beating I'm administering in the picture below*
Welcome Braveheart,
Watch for threads from me next week as my son goes in for his next OHS on Monday. His story is very different from yours, but just as bad. He currently has an experimental heart pump helping his left ventricle. They are going to take it out on Monday as they think that his heart has miraculously healed itself.

His first surgeries were very bad because he was almost dead when they got him. We are hoping for a much better recovery this time because he is so much healthier right now.
Welcome Braveheart- your name says it all!! I'm sure there will be many along soon to answer your questions.
Oh my gosh! What a tale you have to tell. Welcome - we're glad you found us too!
hello, Braveheart4 - I am confused. we had another Braveheart but you don't say you have been here before, but since it's such an unusual name that I wonder if there's a connection. I believe our other Braveheart was Jonathan from UK, tho.

Anyhow, welcome to VR. we are glad to have you aboard. you can talk to people here who know what you are saying and understand.
Welcome Braveheart.

I have had 3 OHS and I usually say that a repeat surgery is easier because you know what to expect and a repeat surgery is harder because you know what to expect.

My recovery each time was a little longer and I had some issues during surgery that made them dangerous but, once surgery was over, things were pretty much the same as the first, just expanded.
Thanks for the welcome!!

Thanks for the welcome!!

Hi Geebee! Thanks for the warm welcome and information from a "pro". You have certainly been through a great deal and I will take the advice from your Quote to guide my future surgery. Best Regards, Braveheart :
Welcome Braveheart4,:)

Just wanted to welcome you and wish you the very best.
I used to live in your neck of the woods long, long time ago (Kitchener-Waterloo) but moved in 1977 to the south west of the USA.
From what I've read you've been through the wringer but I am glad you found us. We are a friendly group of people who know what you are going through so you can vent if you need to.
I've had 2 OHS in 8/2000 and am doing fine. So will you.

Take it easy.:D