I have kidney stones...ughhh

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Well-known member
Jul 6, 2008
east coast
I noticed my urine was a bit darker than usual recently but ignored it..Friday I woke up with a bad pain that I recognized to be a kidney stone, as I had one years ago...

Went for a CT scan and urine test and confirmed it...I thought it might have passed but the urologist didn't think so. He said to wait a week and we will do another scan. If it's not out, he will have to do a procedure to remove it, which requires general anesthesia..I told him about my heart condition and he said he needed a green light from the cardiologist before doing this procedure.

I have a call into the cardiologist but wanted to get some feedback here.

My Mitral valve is leaking, it was moderate/severe a month or so ago and I take diovan and toprol for it...I am in overall good health..


Thanks for reading...anyone have a secret remedy to get this #%@ stone outta me without pain?

Well that bites! I guess your cardio is in the best position to advise you about this, but I hope it's something that can be sorted out nice and quickly with a minimum of pain.

Good luck!

A : )
I'm sorry to hear you have a kidney stone...i've heard they can be very painful! I've had 7 of them in the past, but i'm lucky in that i'm paralyzed from the chest down so i don't have any pain from them at all. I've managed to get all of them to pass by drinking tons of water. It's worked for me, and a couple other people i know. Maybe it would work for you, hopefully!

Best wishes,

OH, I know you are having some real pain. My brother had them and I was at the hospital with him when they put him in the tub and sent a sort of shock to crush it - as mentioned above. It was an outpatient procedure. He was numbed from waist down and given sedative of some sort. They did it so late in the afternoon, that they did keep him overnight. He had some bleeding (small amts) for awhile after so if you are on coumadin, you need your cardio involved. Best wishes
My husband is very prone to kidney stones...has had two in the last 3-4 months. He had a simple procedure called "lithotripsy" which uses sound waves to crush the stone or stones. They use mild conscious sedation for this procedure and your in and out in a hour or two. Good luck!
The treatment you are probably talking about for breaking up the sound using shockwaves is Lithotripsy (ESWL). Please be aware that this is what caused my endocarditis. Apparently very rare for that to happen, very few documented cases but it CAN happen. I bled quite a lot from the second session that I had, it was that session which caused all my health problems.
My husband had one stone removed with lithotripsy a few months after his mitral valve repair. He was on IV antibiotics because of the valve. Make sure you are on antibiotics. The pain wasn't so bad after. Good luck!
OUCH! I had gall stones and I know how painful that was. I feel for ya. I guess the cardio will have the final word. Better be safe. Hoping for the best for you. Take care.
Here's my update...I felt the pain getting much worse, nothing was helping and I was throwing up..It was very late and slowly I packed my bags and called 911 to send an ambulance and take me to the the time I got there the pain was getting worse faster..

Within an hour it got as close to a 10 in pain as I've ever imagined. I had a kidney stone a few years ago..the pain is just incredible.

I was put on an IV immediately and finally given Delordid (sp) as I had a bad reaction to morphine in the past.

The stone was not passing and yesterday they did a procedure to remove it, perhaps called ureteroscopic surgery. Not sure exactly.

I was scared of course going under general anesthesia but I was out of the hospital in a couple of hours and have pain in my kidney when urinating and there is a lot of blood in the urine..pretty upsetting but I guess it was successful.

My cardiologist was present before the surgery and he was not pleased that my cardiac surgeon put me on 25mg of Toprol in addition to the 80 mg of Diovan as I have first degree AV block. He told me to reduce it to 12.5 and to call him in a week to get me off of it completely. I've never seen him react like that, it was good to see.

If the Diovan alone can make me feel better (and it was i think), I'd be thrilled not to be taking Toprol.

I have one more stone in each kidney. I am not looking forward to dealing with them but I have to of course.

I am cancelling my TEE on Tuesday as I have missed a lot of work and need to take it easy a bit. The surgeon had to be convinced to do the TEE in the first place by me, I don't think there is a pressing need.

I have to focus on getting into shape, doing some preventive things like colonoscopy, dental care and now these stones..

Seeing the cardiologist I imagine soon to go over the medication and his feelings on delaying the TEE till after the holidays.. This experience shook me a bit..

thanks for the replies!
Just keep an eye on things, I started feeling ill about ten days after bleeding from my kidneys, vomiting etc. As I said, I was told it is rare to get endocarditis from having kidney stones treated, but it can happen.
yikes that's really scary...I am taking Leviquin once a day and was on Cipro before the surgery..I am bleeding a bit and my kidney aches when urinating...not fun..also dropping the Toprol from 25 to 12.5 def is making me more aware of my heart, I feel it beating harder...Boy I need a vacation from all this..

I was just trying to prepare myself for a TEE and the posibility of OHS again..this is admittedly 'minor' but it throwing me for a bit of a loop and I am feeling a bit down from it all..


Boy you are really taking in alot at once here.

Like they say we are never given more than we can handle.....BUT

i've not YET had stones loved around me have and as you describe

PAINFUL!!!! I am including a (HUG) for you and some cyber thoughts

and prayers with all your baggage here. Prayers for best outcome.

Hopefully you can then look after your tee and heart issues as well.

zipper2 (DEB)
I just wanted to say I'm so sorry to read about your problems. Just when you think things can't get a lot worse, they just do don't they? I hope it gets resolved with as little pain and stress as possible.

I have MS on top of all this!! I take a daily injection of Copaxone and have been really fine since then...But I notice with little exertion, I am hot and I sweat easily...

In my opinion and my gut I feel this is more heart related than MS related..I don't like it at all!!

I am not in a good mood..

there I said it..


thank you for the posts!