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She has 33 wks. to go. She is a NICU RN. Due date 1/29/10. My husband birthday is 2/5 and little sister is 2/3. They hoping for 2/4 but the mom is not to big on going over her due date. Thanks for your support I'm so excited to be a grandma. I have a whole room full of clothes and toys. My other daughter is only 24 and lives in San Diego she plans on moving closer to home before they start a family. Her husband is from Indy.
Congratulations! Babies are falling from the sky this year. I think it's another baby boom.
Congratulations! Did I see correctly--this is your first? If so, then you're a few months away from discovering that grandparenting IS all it's cracked up to be! And Ross is right about babies falling from the sky! I have 3 grandsons, all 9 months or younger!