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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
The son-in-law of my very good friend has invented/created a new way to play golf (virtual). He is finishing his first building and it will be in operation within a couple of months in Bradenton, Fl. I visited it last week and it is the most awesome thing I have seen in a long time. When the first one is finished, franchises will be sold all over the world. If you want to inspect, go to the below web site and check it out. The owner is John Brown and mayhap we will be hearing much of this young man in the future - he's only in his early 30s and a genius, in my opinion. Only a genius could come up with all of this. The profile shows what it will look like when finished. Have a look - ladies, too.
We could use a few more of those is Chicago! My poor husband is suffering:eek: Missing his southern spontaneous golf outings. Spring is upon us. Perry has hooked Tracy (my hubby) up with his local league. At least I know he will be in good company;)

Now what the heck happens to the long list of honey do's house projects I have ?:D