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Randy & Robyn

Well-known member
Jan 5, 2005
Tomorrow morning at 5:15 I go in.

Preop testing was done Monday. My ENT doctor saw nothing concerning my nosebleeds to contraindicate anticoagulation.

The other good news I received was that, in the four months since my first surgery, I would not have built up a great deal of scar tissue. They tell me that takes years to grow and thicken.

I saw Dr. Pettersson today. After looking over my echo and cat scan, he asked me what I thought of another valve repair. Can you guess my answer?
I even had a discussion about starting home testing immediately. It sounds like I might just get the chance to bring a unit home with me if all goes well.

I also met with the team from MCRI that arrived today with the On-X valves. They mentioned Gina's request for compensation. They said I would get a model of the valve ($600 retail value :p ) and they would pay for a private room if one is available. To be honest, I am just happy to be getting the valve I wanted at the place I wanted and with the surgeon I wanted. Now hopefully the surgery itslef will turn out the way I want. And I sincerely hope that my efforts can benefit other patients here at Cleveland Clinic.

Risk might not be any greater than the first time but I am still terrified and will not be a happy camper when morning comes.

Robyn will post for me while I am incapacitated.

Thank you to everyone here for your support and prayers. I am holding you all to your word that coumadin isn't the big bad boogeyman that some people insist it is.


Sounds like all is going well. I hope you get your private room as it is so nice to have the space to yourself.

We will help you with any questions about coumadin. You will be fine with everything to come.

Randy. Just want to wish you the very best. Seems like you've already paid alot of your "dues" so hopefully this will not be a difficult journey.

I'll be thinking of you!

Good luck

Good luck

Watch what you wish for it ALL may come true. Good luck. You are going to be so fine.
Randy, I'm praying for a very successful surgery for you. We will be waiting on pins and needles until we hear.
We will be with you!

We will be with you!

Randy and Robyn,

It is so good to hear that you have met with Dr. Pettersson and the folks
from ON-X. It seems as though you had some quality face time and got quite a lot out of it. Great news about the tester, scar tissue and risk!

Randy. please don't worry about being afraid. I was afraid for all of my surgeries and it is only human. Think instead, of how as soon as you get this
over with, the sooner you can get on with your life.

I wish someone had done this before I had my surgery. Future pts.
will be grateful, I'm sure!

I'm sure you will do fine tomorrow and look forward to Robyn's reports!:)

P.S. Does Dr. Pettersson still have an assistant named Mike? He is a great guy- please tell him I remember him fondly!
Wishing you both the best, Randy and Robyn. We will be impatiently waiting for Robyn's update and we just know it will be all good news this time. Godspeed.
Good luck and best wishes, Randy.
I'm sure this one will go well.:)
We'll be waiting to hear Robyn's post.

We are so proud of you for what you've done not only for yourself, but everyone else that will follow you.

Folks, let me tell you that Randy and Robyn are both some of the nicest people that Jack and I have ever met. If anyone deserves top class treatment, it's this guy.

Randy, you know how scared I was. Terrified doesn't begin to describe it. However, every single person at CC that I came in contact with that morning did their best to assure me that all would be ok and it was. They are some of the most concerned, caring professionals I've ever had the privilege to meet. They will take VERY good care of you. Use your Guided Imagery CD to help you relax in the morning.

I had a lot of family and friends praying for me and they are now all working for you.

Hugs to you and Robyn. Can't wait to hear the good news after it's over! :)

You'll be in my thoughts, Randy. I'll be waiting with bated breath to hear of your exploits.

A private room is good. Very good. I hope they set it up for you.

I suggest you consider asking for patient-controlled Fentanyl, instead of morphine. It works as well as morphine, but leaves you less groggy, and doesn't contribute to the infamous morphine constipation in most people.

Do well, my friend.

Very best wishes,
God bless!!

God bless!!

Randy and Robyn,

Just another one of Dr Pettersson's success stories wishing you a good outcome and quick, uneventful recovery.

A friend sent me a card that showed Jesus standing next to the surgeon in the operating room; that blessed me so much and helped me to relax. "He holds the whole world in His hands..." and that includes both of you!

Keeping you remembered in prayer, Barb
Randy and Robyn;

We wanted to wish you all the best tomorrow...we were in a mad dash to make it home in time to post but got delayed due to son's hockey.... You are Nathan's surgery buddy (okay, two weeks apart, but close enough to count!)...and we are going to be thinking of you often and waiting for word. Hugs to both of you, take care guys....
Good luck and good thoughts your way. Private room???? Lucky!

Take care and Robyn, post us on progress.
Trying to be patient also

Trying to be patient also

Randy didn't say if he was on "A" or "B" schedule, but I'd guess that he was an "A". I had my mitral valve repaired last week at CC and was an "A" also. That meant I had to be at the hospital at 5:30 on the morning of surgery, but they didn't call my husband from the OR until 9:30 to let him know that I had just gone on the heart lung machine.

So, it's way to early to hear anything, but I am anxious also. I know his outcome will be wonderful, but I just want to hear it from Robyn! :)


RCB said:
Hope to hear soon