Going for a 2nd opinion tomorrow

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Hello all,

Well, I went to my yearly GYN appt. last week in hopes to get his opinion on my Cardio telling me in 1-7 years I'll need a AVR. I value his insight and he knows me better than any other doctor!

Anyway, he said he would set me up with a Cardio in Jacksonville that he trusted well enough to send his family members to!:) And, then while doing the breast exam, dropped a bomb that I have a lump! So, off for a biopsy this Thursday :(

Anyway, after pre-op tomorrow I will meet the new Cardio, anyone have any advice as to what I should drill him about? My valve is at 1.3 with moderate stenosis!

I was just reading the Intelihealth site that Nancy posted in another thread (great site by the way, Nancy)! And this popped out at me:

In 2 percent to 4 percent of heart valve problems, the heart defect is related to health or environmental factors that affected the mother during pregnancy. These factors include diabetes, phenylketonuria, rubella infection, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE or lupus) or drugs taken by the mother (alcohol, lithium, certain seizure medications)

Does anyone have any information if Mothers that took DES could have cause a congenital bicuspid aortic valve??
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Hi Lynn,

I was a DES daugher...would have to say it's a great possibility this may have caused valve damage. If you stumble across information highlighting such please post .

My father was in the photography business and handled chemicals for years before things became more automated. They are saying his PD "Parkisons" may have been chemical exposure trigger type. He also was diagnoised with 2+ mitral regurgitation. That is the valve I had replaced. Nothing was mentioned about fathers lifestyle in that article. I may never know how my condition came about. Another thought was an untreated strep infection when I was an infant.

All the best to you.
Good luck to you Lynn. I know its a very scary time for you right now. I will say a prayer for you tonight. Keep us updated. I've had open heart surgeries and when I came to the point I needed surgery, I knew it.

Hope all goes well for you. Sounds like you will have a busy week. I have 2 drs appts tomorrow, one Tues with my family dr, back to Duke for echo and consult Wed and Thur I see y local cardio. All in 1 week!! Thank God I have good insurance.

Hugs, alicia


Good luck to you I will say a prayer that all will be fine. How are you doing Ali? I've been meaning to write but just havn't taken the time to do it. I promise I will though.
Lynn, just remember the large majority of lumps are benign and if not, you have caught it early and will do just fine. Sending prayers.
Hi Lynn

Hi Lynn

Hello - When it rains it pours ! I didn't catch this post in time to comment before you talked to the cardio Lynn, but some thoughts re questions to ask are as follows. What about diet and excercise ? Are medications indicated at this time ? How is your cholesterol profile ? What are the specific results of the diagnostic process they did ? What else can you do to potentially defer the surgery date ? What are the conditions that would cause you to phone your cardio for advice ? Hope this helps. My best wishes to you Lynn-keep positive, things will get better. Chris
Hi everyone,

I'm sorry I didn't get back to you! Between seeing the new Cardio, going to pre-op for surgery tomorrow and driving south to see my Dad who had knee surgery on Monday, I just haven't had time!

Gina....I asked the new guy about DES and he said he doesn't have any findings on that :(

Well, this fella is much nicer, explained more to me and even drew us pictures (that's a good thing)! He said that just from my last echo and from what he *hears* he just wants to wait it out. What he does want is, my old records including my echo from 2 years ago to see where it went from minor stenosis to moderate, a cholestorol screening and to see me again in April. Now, that I am assuming is to see if my symtoms lessen after the stress of this surgery is done with! All in all it felt like a huge weight lifted off my chest and I came away with a good feeling!

Thanx for the advice and prayers! Keep the faith! :)
Hello Lynn,

It sounds to me like you are in the 'wait and see' mode.

Be SURE to do annual Echocardiograms to track the progress of your valve. If you feel and symptoms (fatigue, shortness of breath) ask for another echo ASAP.

You do NOT want to wait too long for surgery because PERMANENT damage can be done to the heart muscle / wall if it is compensating for a too narrow valve by pumping harder. Danger signs are a thickening in the wall or enlargement of any of the chambers. Both of these symptoms can be detected by echocardiograms so I urge you and your cardiologist to stay on top of your condition.

Best wishes,



Good luck with the biopsy, I've had 2 in the pass, both negative, thank God,
I'm hoping yours will come out the same.

Kepp us updated,


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