Going back to work survey

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I thought it would be interesting to see when other people thought they would be returning to work after surgery. I am scheduled to go in for surgery on the 16th and was wondering when most people could return to work. I know it depends upon the job.

After all of this I hate to think about going back to the grind. Mabe I'll try to find something I can do from home on the net or something. If anyone else has run across any type of business that they like,or have any suggestions let us know.

Take care,

Highly recommend not returning for at least 6 weeks. If you have a cushy office job, maybe 4, but even when you do return, think in terms of half days until your back up to snuff.
Hi, My husband had his surgery a year ago October 18th. He was back to work after only two weeks. It was against his surgeon's orders and my wishes. He was getting bored at home and as soon as he got in the car from his checkup with the surgeron two weeks post op he was on the phone calling work. They were swamped and he said he would help out part time. Well, the part time never happened, it was pretty much full time from the start. He is a real estate appraiser so the job isn't too physically demanding. I drove him to his appointments until he could drive. He did feel winded after walking through a two-story house and after walking around the outside measuring. He would come home and take a good nap every night before dinner, too. I would not recommend returning to work as soon as he did.
I would recommend taking easy while you can. Once you go back to work you probablby won't be able to.

Good Luck,
Tyce and I were just discussing this very subject......why???I have no clue, but we were. He went back after 11 weeks.....which included a two week vacation for the two of us. He said he could have gone back after 8, but I was the one who said.....WHY!!!! Life is too short to rush going back too fast post op.....and please remember, your family has been going through this with you, too.....The vacation was the best thing we ever did for US.

I had surgery Aug 15th of this year and had already decided to change jobs. Had 2 heart related readmissions to the hospital for non life threatening issues. Just started work on Monday and I am doing OK. Takes some getting used to. Good luck.
Back in four weeks

Back in four weeks

I went back after four weeks. My wife was very upset with me however. Those first two weeks back were very tiring. I don't think I'd recommend it.
The insurance companies all seem to allow six weeks if there are no complications.

I took six weeks, and then the first two back were half-days. I heartily recommend it. You'd be surprised how much tension is involved in a rapid-pace job, and how fast it can chew you up. Physically, I was fine at six weeks, but the stress back at work was murder.

Best wishes,
KEVIN said:
After all of this I hate to think about going back to the grind. Mabe I'll try to find something I can do from home on the net or something. If anyone else has run across any type of business that they like,or have any suggestions let us know.
You could always try bulk buying and selling on Ebay but then you would have to take it all to the postoffice to post. Dont you just love Ebay:D
I had my aortic valve replacement surgery on Oct 12 this year. Originally, my surgen gave me 3 months for recovery, currently I am regaining my strength and can walk 35 minutes outdoor, sometimes even more and go out to do groceries and shopping with my wife. Sometimes feel a little bit tired. I think probably will go back to work mid Dec, at that time about 8 weeks post surgery. My Cardiologist said I can resume driving after Dec 1st.

Don't rush to go back to work, your body will tells you when you can go back to work. If your job demands more physical strenght or frequent travel or visiting, it will be more demanding and you should allow more recovery time before going back. My job is in the office so I think is less demanding physically but will take sometime to adjust to the pace in the office.
Take your time and don't rush it.
If your insurance allows you to stay home then do it.
While you may feel fine now the stress of being back on the job can really wear you down.
Personally I went back after ten weeks.
This was due to my cardiologist telling me to stay home, because it takes about ten weeks for your chest to fully heal.
Even then it was getting late in the year and I had a lot of vacation time left, so I worked a three day week for awhile.
Remember once you return to work, they will forget about what you have been thru fairly quickly, and expect you to be 100% right away.
after 5 week I started reading/replying business emails from home
after 6.5 weeks I did mornings only in the office
after 7.5 weeks went back full time (with the occasional lunch time nap)
after 3.5 month i started travelling for business
I'm self employed and started back cleaning carpets at about 7 weeks...It was twelve weeks friday and I'm going full out now....I'm having some problems with some sore muscles and joints but I think its from the damn Lipitor I just found out......
I had surgery on Aug. 11 and on Sept. 15th returned for 4 days at half-time followed by full time after that.
Going back to work

Going back to work

Hi Kevin,

first I wanted to wish you the best. I went back to work after 7 weeks. The first few days were really tiring and I was in bed by 8:30 PM. My surgery was to repalce 2 heart valves done on June 30th, I had no real complications. It has only been recently that my coumadin has reached the theraputic levels.

Take Care
Went back on half days, at 4 weeks. It's 52 miles one way to work. Was really tired when I would get home. I have an office job, but still took a lot out of me mentally. Had a tough time with memory for the first few months.

After the first couple of weeks of rehab is when I felt things change for the better. Starting building stanima and memory started getting better.

I was so bored at home (and probably starting to drive my wife a little crazy), that I decied to go back before the recommended 6 weeks. Most at work thought I was a nuts for going back early. Looking back, so do I!
Not ready after 7 weeks

Not ready after 7 weeks

After seven weeks I am not ready for even part-time work. Two hours is my limit for sitting at a computer, and then I have to rest. I am hoping in three more weeks to be able to work half a day. I have only been able to sleep the whole night through since the sixth week. A deep sleep is necessary to feel alert most of the next day.
Depends a great deal on how deconditioned you were prior to surgery. I was a mess, so I was out 12 weeks (for an office job). It was still difficult to make it thru the day even then. Concentration was a real problem. My boss was very generous and assigned less difficult work for a couple of months and I eased back into my normal routine.

I think everyone should attempt to stay out at least 6 weeks. Of course, this is assuming the luxury of paid leave - or disability.