Generally grateful.

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Well-known member
May 12, 2004
Toronto, Canada
I have been thinking about writing a note for the past few years since my surgery and was not sure really what I wanted to say but here it is. During my recovery an amazing thing happened, despite the worry about work and my health I felt something I have never felt before, it was a kind of freedom. I realized that do not need a bigger house or faster car or whatever (it is not that I wouldn't enjoy these things!) it is just that I really learned to appreciate the life I have and the beautiful family that I have been blessed with. I promised myself to never forget my good fortune. There are many people on this site that sent me encouragement during my tough time and I just wanted to say again for no particlular reason,
Thanks and God Bless.
We are all blessed to be around to help others get through the tough times that come along with valve problems/surgery/recovery. God got us through (along with some really great medical people, family and friends) and I think we all have the responsibilty to "Pay it Forward".

Thanks for the reminder and happy to hear you found help within this community.
I can really relate to what you've said, John. OHS really opens your eyes about what's important and your priorities. Finding this community was a real blessing.

I see you are from Toronto. I work in Toronto (GO Train commuter) and had my surgery at Toronto General.
John, I have been a member of VR since 2000, shortly after my heart quad bypass surgery and have seen your story and comments many times. We have had discussions about this very subject, begun first by Robthatsme years ago. Isn't it an awesome event when we find that we are happy with who/what we are and appreciate it. I think most of us feel kinder and gentler about our lives and about others. Maybe that's why VR has become such a huge site - that we want to stick around to lead others to health and appreciation of self and stop seeking other things. Heart surgery is truly a life changing event and often a miracle. Bless you in all your happiness. And thank you for saying it.