Fourth surgery anyone?

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Thanks, Tom and glad you like the flute pieces. However, I play the clarinet! Once, after I performed at a wedding in a clarinet duet, one of the guests asked me if I played the flute! I have often been mistaken as a flutist.
Just one of life’s mysteries!
I spoke w my cardiologist and I will need another procedure to replace my severely leaking mitral valve. He said it’s better to do it sooner than later.
When I told him that the interventional cardiologist’s nurse said the TMVR valve lasted 5-7 years and they have patients at 10 years, he was surprised at this. He is going to talk to them about the 5-7 yr thing.
So, I’ll need a CT scan and then I’ll talk again with the robotic surgeon at Cedars
about risks, valve type (he had already mentioned bovine but I wondered about a mechanical since I already have one in the aortic position). I’ll be 70 soon so I’m just a bit more worried now with a fourth surgery.
Has anyone gone thru a 4th?
I also would appreciate it if people could contribute what questions they would ask the surgeon. Thanks!
All the best to you Gail. I am going on 12 years on my bovine aortic valve. I think it will be time soon for number two. I am 65 now. I have CHF also so not sure. I go with the flow. You got this. Stay strong!
Praying for you and yours!!!
One artificial valve verses two decision might be due to amount of red blood cells damaged during heart pumping.
The bovine valve won't tear red blood cells. Thus reducing stroke risk.
But I agree with the logic of getting two since you are already on Warfarin.
Godspeed recovery!
Unfortunately I have nothing to contribute but want to wish you all the best of luck and confidence moving forward. Glad you were able to get some good input.
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