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Well-known member
Sep 1, 2002
Ow, ow, OW!!!! I am in MAJOR pain right now. I feel like my guts are going to fall out at any second. Sorry to be so graphic, but that's how it feels.

I THINK the pain is from my menstral cycle, but I'm not 100% positive. When I was younger I got cramps, but nothing like this. Then I went on birth control when I was 20 and everything was great. But after my valve replacement the docs changed my birth control pill to a progestrin only pill in hopes of lowering the risk of blood clots. I started that in July. There have been a few times in the last few months when I've had some slight abdominal pain that I thought was gas. But I'm starting to see a pattern of some kind. Last month I had pretty intense pain (again I thought it was gas) that lasted a couple of days, and then I started my period and everything was fine. I still didn't make a connection, until yesterday (about 4 weeks after the last time) I got the same intense pain. I'm starting to think it can't be just gas (though some might be, who knows). But it's getting worse! Here it is, almost 5 AM and I've been awake since 2 trying to find a comfortable way to sleep. I tried lying on my back (which I never do), moving to the couch, on my stomach with my legs tucked up under me.... nothing works. The really strange thing is that when I lie down the pain spreads to my ribs and my shoulders. When I breathe it's like my whole body is on fire. Going to the bathroom is exreemly painful, but I constantly feel like I need to. I went ahead and called in sick to work and intend to go to the doctor about this. I just don't know if I should go to my gyn or my pcp. I'm very close to giving up and going to the ER to get some relief. Because of coumadin the only pain releiver I can take is Tylenol, which hasn't touched the pain at all. I'm going to try to hold out until the dr office opens, but I'm worried they won't have an opening for me until this afternoon. I just can't wait that long.

And to top it all off, my husband has pnumonia and a fever, so I can't even sleep in my own bed (I've been sleeping in the guest room so I won't catch anything). If anyone has any advice that can hold me over until I can get to the doc I'd GREATLY appreciate it.
My sympathy to you. You probably have diagnosed your porblem correctly, but I have to tell you I have suffered with kidney stones and the symptoms are exactly what you describe.

I recently went through a serious bout with them for two weeks, but it is usually only a day or two til one passes.

You are pretty young to have that affliction, I think and the female problem is more likely the cause. At any rate, I really relate to the pain, not being able to find comfortable position, the feeling of needing to be in the bath rooom all the time. I do find that a very warm/hot bath tub brought some relief. You might try that, I actually make it as hot as I can stand.

Good luck, some strong pain killer may be the only solution.
Thanks Al. Actually, I tried the hot bath thing. Only one problem... we have such a shallow bathtub and the water barely got halfway up my thighs (when sitting down, of course). I tried waving the warm water over me, but it really didn't help much. Then the water turned cold, I got pruny, and I had to figure out how to get out of the bathtub. Not an easy trick to do ;) . Thanks again, though.

I've now been awake for 5 hours and it's only 7:30. Still waiting for the doctor's office to open. I was able to doze for a few minutes sitting up in a chair, but my neck was not very comfortable... I certainly hope the doc can do SOMETHING to relieve the pain. I'll take a mallet to my head if it will knock me out enough to not feel this pain anymore.
?gyn related?

?gyn related?

I really feel for you. What happened to me within a few years of being on coumadin was I would form cysts each month during ovulation. Once I was admitted as ER doc thought I had appendicitis. The surgeon found that I had an ovarian cyst. The problem worsened each month until I finally had a hysterectomy. I was the only patient at the time on coumadin and my gyn was running into problems such as when I had my cervix frozen for abnormal pap, I ended up with a "bleeding problem" when the cervix formed a scab. At that point, he said, I have never seen anything like this and I have no one to compare you to. Now there are plenty of women on coumadin so I would think that docs are more experienced in dealing with coumadin patients.

I am just wondering if you are ovulating, and if so, are you forming cysts? My pain seem to worsen and last longer as time went on. What started out as 2-3 hrs of pain years later turned into 12-16 hours of bent over in two pain.

Good luck, and let me know what your doc thinks.



I went through problems like that years ago. At the ripe old age of 32 I had a hysterectomy. I had endometriosis. I would be DOWN for 3 days straight. The first time it got so bad I thought it was my appendix. I went to the ER and my primary met me there. Because of my heart he was very concerned. He even postponed his flight out of town for a convention. When the tests came back neg. he called in my gyn. I lived with the endometriosis for 4 years and tried every drug available at the time. Finally in 1994 I had the hysterectomy. It was the best thing I ever did. Until you can see your doctor, try either a moist heating pad or a hot water bottle. I prefer the hot water bottle. It is very soothing. Good luck!!!
Hi Niki, I am sorry you are in such pain. As a woman, I can understand. I never had anything serious worng with my ovaries, but when I was a teenager, I had horrible cramps and would end up curled up in a tiny ball under my mom's bed crying because of the pain. I would drink hot tea with honey in it...any kind of tea, not anything with a lot of vitamin K in it. Honey helps relax you so the menstraul pain gets better. Good luck, and let us know what the doctor says.
hi niki!
i'm so sorry to hear that you are suffering with this pain. by the time you read this post you will have been to the dr already.
please let us know what he/she says. hope it's nothing serious.
be well, sylvia
hi Niki

hi Niki

hi Niki did you get on with the Dr?...what did he/she say ?
I hope you are feeling better ...
Hi Niki,

I hope you've been to the doctor already and have been given something to ease your pain. I know that EVERY month I get serious menstrual cramps that last for days sometimes. I find it best to lay as still as possible with a heating pad on my stomach. You should keep your self straight, even though I'm sure you want to tuck up into a ball. I find it helps.

Hope you're feeling better soon.
Sorry to hear of your troubles and I certainly sympathize. I really don't know exactly what you're going through, but I do know that my surgery put me entering menopause into "high" gear. I don't know exactly what it is about the surgery, but here I was at home trying to recover from my surgery and complaining all about the symptoms I was having to the wrong doctor. I finally wised up and went to my gyno and told him of my symptoms and discovered that I was entering "perimenopause." I never knew there was such a thing, but after reading up on it, my good 'ol gyno hit the nail on the head. I'm older than you and menopause is definitely in my near future, but the symptoms can begin in your 30s. I do believe that surgery can speed things up if you've already entered that age range. I would tell your gyno. about what you are experiencing....totally sounds like a "woman" thing to me.
how about trying a homopathic remedy for uterine cramps/PMS. won't interact with coumadin and should be safe to shouldn't have to live with all that pain! find a doctor close by who can lead you to the right formula for your symptoms. also stores that sell things like that (like wild oats )or a store who specilize in natural things. with homopathy, don't take right after a spicy meal/drink, peppermints, caffeine,etc. Need to chew slightly then let it dissolve on or under tongue. can add another every 5-10 minutes until your symptoms disappear. But used right, can be very effective.:cool:
I never really did believe in the hoeopathy stuff. My mother in law, told me once I needed to give my son some homeopathic thing because he doesn't like change. Hmmm, sounds like a typical 2 year old to me! I guess he had some emotional issues from having been sent away for so long, and when he came back he was hypersensitive to change. I don't do the homeopathic stuff because of my heart. I am not risking my health for anything! I am avid about taking my meds everyday, and I learned the hard way that there are doctors out there for a reason, and if God intended me to take herbs for everything, I would never have gotten heart disease. Just my feelings. Niki, I think you should go to the actual DOCTOR, especially with your medical conditions. Don't take anything without checking with your physician! Good luck!
I will take Joy's advice and run with it. We, my husband and I had our experience with 'homeopathic and herbal substances' in what we believe leading to cancer and loosing a kidney. My young God child was on an herbal daily vitamin and developed a major bleed in her spleen. Almost lost her.

Those of us taking anticoagulants need to be super cautious as some of these remedies can prolong your INR. Nothing to mess around with. Please be cautious and consult your physician.

If you put things into perspective......there is nothing natural about taking a pill. Ok, enough preaching.;)
PS. Would also like to comment on the issue at hand and cramping. The months I have the most pain my INR is at or above the upper limits. I have seen a specialist and they would like me to have the hysterectomy or ablation. Fibroids complicate issues as if they bust can cause a nice bleed. I am too afraid of post surgical bleeding and infection at this point to consider my options. Just living and dealing with the pain on a need to basis.
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News... sorry it took so long.

News... sorry it took so long.

Well, I did make it to the doctor. As soon as I got there she said she was sending me to the ER because the tests she wanted run would happen faster if she sent me there (guess I should have just gone there at 2 am after all). Rather than going into all the details I will cut to the chase. I had an ovarian cyst that ruptured and was causing internal bleeding. Because of my coumadin, it didn't stop. So most of the pain was from all the blood in my belly pressing against every organ and my diaphragm, which caused the pain every time I took a breath. The ER doc couldn't believe that I could be in "that much pain" from a cyst, so he admitted me and had a surgeon visit me. The surgeon immediately said, "I know exactly what's wrong with you and it's that cyst." He wanted to try and see if the bleeding would stop on its own and handle the pain with meds that night, but check on my blood levels through the night. My blood levels dropped significantly through the night, and they gave me plasma around midnight. The next morning they were STILL dropping, so they took me in right away to surgery. The said they sucked 1500 cc of blood out of my belly, took out the cyst, and cauterized the site to stop the bleeding. They also gave me more plasma. My INR, by the time I was done with surgery, ended up being 1.6. They were very worried because they didn't want me to continue to bleed, but they didn't want a clot to form in my heart either. They started giving me heprin injections while they got my INR back up. I was in ICU for a day, then back on the floor for a day. My INR was in the lower 2 range, so they sent me home with heprin shots to take for the next three days, and want me to check my INR each day and call the doctor with the results each day. I'm SO glad I have my ProTime and won't have to go to a lab every day. He was glad to hear it too, I'm sure. I just got home from the hospital about an hour ago. I'm doing pretty well. Just a little sore, but nothing compared to the agony I was in on Tuesday. Thanks everyone for your concern and I'm sorry I was unable to get info to you sooner.

I think I'm going to go rest for a little while now...
My word Niki,

Whew, we are glad you are ok. What an ordeal.
You must be feeling a lot better by now for sure.

Did the cyst burst during your cycle making it difficult to detect? At the suggestion of my doctors, I have been entertaining the idea of having surgery 'hysterectomy' do to similar circumstances.

Rest and take it easy.
Don't worry about not being able to keep us up to date. Though I was getting worried. We are so glad you got this taken care of.

So sorry you have had this horrible experience, especially that pain. Take care of yourself and rest. We are all praying for you.

Best of luck
wow, niki!
i'm so sorry you had to go through all that.
it's a good thing you decided to go to your dr and ended up being checked out.
imagine if you hadn't!!
i'm glad they took care of it and you are on your way to recovery.
thank you for posting and letting us know what was happening and how your are.
feel better, sylvia


Glad to hear that you were able to get things taken care of. I pray that you have a speedy recovery and will be free from this occuring again. I do believe God had your guardian angel working over time on this episode....WHEW! Take Care!:)

Glad to hear that you got help and that you're home and on the road to recovery. Good thing the people in ER knew what they were dealing with. I had a cyst on my ovary that burst - my pain was one of the worst that I can remember, but I didn't even think about that when I was reading about your symptoms. Guess my pumphead is still hanging around! Anyway, glad you're better and that your saga has a happy ending!