Flu Shot

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Sep 12, 2002
Hi Everyone!
I have a question about Flu Shots. I know that I should get one and I was going to go for one today. I know if you have a fever you can't get a flu shot. I do not have a fever, but I have had a cold the last couple of days that is in my chest a little bit. The whole family has it. Can us valvers still get the flu shot even if you don't have a fever. I know we have to be more careful about things, so I wasn't sure if we had to wait until the cold was completely gone.

Thanks & Take Care!
That sounds like a good question for your Doctor, either Primary Care Physician or Cardiologist. Just call their office and ask to speak to their nurse. Most likely, the nurse can answer your question.

Hi Gail,

I was given a flu shot just before leaving the hospital last Sunday. Didn't even feel it (can't figure out why!)

We are supposed to wait until all symptoms of possible Cold, flu, etc, are gone before getting the shot. I went and got mine while feeling a little under with what I thought was the beginnings of a cold. Ask your Doc, but I'd say get it anyhow.


I ask my Pharmacist today what could I take if I get a cough?I started hacking last night but quit. Wanted something to have on hand. He said I could take Robitussin DM with coumadin. Bonnie
I talked to my PCP today and he said that as long as I didn't have a fever, he wanted me to get the flu shot. I also asked him about the flu shot making the INR go up for a day or so. He said that yes that is very possible but that it was very important that I get a flu shot. He said that if I got the flu, I wouldn't be able to take my coumadin. I didn't quite understand what he meant by that. I thought at the time he meant I would be so sick I wouldn't be able to keep the meds down, but I'm not quite sure. Does anyone else know any reason why you wouldn't be able to take coumadin if you have the flu. Oh, by the way, I am getting my flu shot tomorrow.

Thanks and Take Care!
My husband has had the flu, colds, chest infections, almost died a couple of times due to some non-heart related problems. Except for the total bleedout, when he couldn't take any Coumadin, the Coumadin or Heparin arrived right on time every evening.

Maybe you should get your doc to elaborate on that a little. It's got me puzzled???:confused: :confused:
Flu Shot

I had my flu shot today Thursday,

I was asked if I was on Warfarin ( Coumadin )

and told that I should have my INR checked after 48 hours

I have a routine INR check scheduled for tomorrow so have been advised to inform the staff that I'd had the shot

I took my normal dose today 5mg

I will let you know how it goes


I just had my flu shot today. They didn't say anything to me about getting my INR checked soon after. I am due to get it checked next week, right before Thanksgiving. I'm wondering if maybe I shouldn't go in a little sooner. Let me know how things turn out with your test.

as a nurse, i would second guess the doctor that said you couldn't take coumadin with the flu would be because normal flu,you feel so bad and most time have nausea/vomiting or high fever,that the coumadin would not stay down due to the nausea/vomiting. With the flu shot, they do like you to be healthy when you get it because it does depress the immune system some(any vaccine does), therefore some folks get "little sick" afterwards because they caught some germ that the immune system normally would have caught. we try to ask people getting the flu shot if they are healthy today. if they run a fever,bronchitis,etc.,we encourage them to wait a week or so and build up the immune system with extra vit.c or some immune booster. INR levels do rise a little on the 3rd,4th,and 5th day usually after getting the flu shot although it doesn't rise much. i would think small diet change would be enough for that to correct itself without any significant coumadin change as it would be short term. hope this helps.:)
Thanks everyone for all the responses.
About what my doc said in regards to not taking coumadin if you get the flu. I am not sure if I exactly heard everything correctly. The discussion was very quick over the phone. I just know he wanted me to get the flu shot. I am definately going to ask him again about that one. Again, I am not completely sure what he meant by that, I could have heard him wrong.

Take Care!