Flag Football?

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Mike C

Well-known member
Oct 26, 2005
So, the Pats are making the annual run to the superbowl.

I am interested in thoughts about playing flag football with a mechanical valve.

Although its flag football, thier is always some contact and each year everyone will have at least one injury, almost always minor (broken finger, sprains, etc). I think the biggest danger is we do take some nasty spills at full speed sometimes, although its usually the body and not the head getting banged, specifically when ground freezes.

Presurgery, i chose mechanical due to my age and the most important factor being on the planet for my kids as long as possible so i am unwilling to take major risks. So far this has been the only lifestyle change and i am willing to do it, although only if i have to.
My first thought is "live life".

My second thought is how your use of Coumadin could be a strategic plus for any team you play on.:D Don't hit the valve guy too hard, he might bleed! This gives you a wide birth and frees you up to skip across the goal. TOUCHDOWN!
Mike, I agree with Karlynn to a point.

On one end of the spectrum, I recall playing intramural flag football in college. It was a rough, competitive league. I had my ear drum boxed (perforated) by an aggressive defensive lineman.

At the other end of the spectrum is the pick-up games the neighborhood guys play. These are touch football, and not real competitive. Typically its us old farts and friend playing against our late teens and their friends.

I can't tell where your games fall, but that's my experience.
Take reasonable precautions and have fun! I know some guys that still throw a helmet on and go full contact.
Mike, I think there is a difference in being unneccesarily careful and foolishly free of constraints. My sense is that you know what type of football you play and that you will know if your playing puts you at risk. If playing prior to your AVR did some serious damage to your body, then I'm sure you're already thinking that playing that way wouldn't be prudent. If it's a banged shin or a scraped elbow from time to time, that's a different type of play altogether.

As Tom illustrated, there is a wide range of "touch football" and it all depends on how you play.
Reviving this thread since I was considering playing for a league in the spring. I guess the answer is yes? ...you just have to watch your a**, even more than before? I always played WR/Safety, and thats not too physical, so I think I'm going to go for it.
Go for it! I would. :) It's not like you play it everyday, there for your risk should be minimal.
You could probably mess yourself up just as easily by placing your foot wrong at the bottom of some steps!