Five Year Anniversary and Checkup

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2002
Yesterday was my 5 year anniversary for MV repair. Today was my annual cardio visit with stress test and echo.

Cardio's feedback:

  • * Good enough stress test
  • * Good heart dimensions
  • * Good lipids
  • * Good valve
  • * Good luck at Ironman

I have had no symptoms - but it's always a relief to hear that the repair still looks rock solid.

I am envious of Mark S, Mike H, Adam T and some others - I STILL can't run or bike worth a d@rn, but I also realise that I am very fortunate. Far better to be a poser than a CHF patient! :D

Work is kind of tough right now, but today I think I will ride into the office on a cloud.

Life is good!
I'm really happy to read that everything still looks "rock solid", Bill.
Congrats Bill on a fabulous 5 year report!!! Yea!!!! Woo hoo!!!!

Life is looking great for you. Enjoy.
Congrats on 5 years. Keep up the good work. I hope things just keep getting better for you!
Congratulations!! I can't wait to hit 1 year, let alone 5. Enjoy that cloud!!!

Excellent news!!! Glad to hear your MV Repair is holding up at five years (......selfishly as I had an MV repair, too, but mine is not even 1 year yet :eek: )

May there be many many more great anniversary reports.

CONGRATULATIONS on both the anniversary and the great report!

Cort:33swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD =
"It's hard to slow this swinger down" ... Eric Heatherly ... 'Flowers On The Wall'
Good for you! Congrats on your 5 year anniversary and your excellent cardio visit!