First day home...I'm scared!

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I'm not sure if the full sized aspirin will eventually be stepped down back to a baby aspirin...I'll ask in 3 weeks when I see the cardiologist...

This was a mitral valve repair not replacement...although I am unaware if that would make any difference.
Glad to see you are up and around. I don't go out 3-4 nights each week and would be exhausted if I was. No wonder you are!

Enjoyed your photos! Thanks for posting a link.
7th week post op update....(they get more boring each week..haha)

This is the sweet spot of recovery and I have been waiting for it...No major improvements but I forget I had surgery at times...If I get tired I have to remind myself I did have surgery and am not yet 100%.

Incision is healing nicely bothers me less when driving, I'd say it's 50% improved since week two...a lot better. The swelling has and will continue to go down. That was a major concern. The incision was like a thin rope on my chest and it was ugly and disturbing...Certain parts of it are actually completely flat...very happy with this and it's noticeable better just about every few days.

I just sneezed as I typed that and am happy to report it didn't hurt hardly at all! Sneezing used to be very painful.

I am not as active as I need to be..I don't walk every day but yesterday I did walk from a doctors appointment about 2 miles total..

going to Puerto Rico the 29th and the next two weeks I will try to get into a bit better's the perfect time to travel.

I do try to update on each week's progress.
Eight week update...just as in last week's update, there's not much to report, which is good!

It's starting to feel safe to start doing exercises such as modified pushups but I think another few weeks won't hurt..Probably by week 12 it will be mostly a non issue. I'm taking 25mg 2x a day of Toprol. I just felt my pulse to see if there are any missed or skipped beats and I do still have them..They don't bother me and I don't check for them often. I suspect and hope that the intervals that the cardiologist checks for with an EKG are getting shorter, which means it's getting better.

I remember after my first surgery I had similar issues and also took Toprol. Hopefully eventually this continues to improve and I can be off Toprol completely.

When driving, there is significantly less discomfort.

Improvements continue week to week in small but overall noticeable ways.

Things really started to fall into place at around week 5 and 6, right on 'schedule'..I stay out for longer periods without noticing my heart...Most of my 'problems' are simply due to being reconditioned to an extent which is in my power to improve.
Great to read your thread offwego, I am into week 6 and feel like I am at a stand still, just no leaps and bounds like earlier weeks a plateau .
I tried to sleep in my bed and had such bad sleeps I could hardly walk the next day. So I returned to the couch with all the pillows, my back likes sleeping on pillows I guess.
I did notice the driving pain was a little less , so progress there with the looking over the shoulder pain while backing up.
Today I went for my 2 mile walk and my legs felt heavier, been noticing this the last few walks. I had skipped 2 walks this week, that's not like me to do this and I notice
mentally I feel better after exercise.
My big problem is getting going in the morning, I'm just flat out tired..not sure how I am going to swing going back to work.
Maybe I'm not ready yet.

Brad you sound like you are doing better than you think!

I don't walk every day...I am terrible with that part of my recovery..But I'm doing it my own way at my own pace and so far, so good...I think you should allow yourself to take it easy with the walking. Do whatever feels good to you.

Yes, I was really lucky to be able to sleep from day one on my side even with the pain...that was a concern...pain has dramatically reduced in the last 3 weeks, I played around doing a few modified push ups earlier and reason to 'push it'

You simply need more time. I'm lucky I make my own hours and don't work every day...

You're not at a standstill at all...keep the faith and take it easy!
Ugh...maybe I got to confident..not that I did anything different but I stayed in today....didn't leave my apartment...not that unusual but since my lower back started to bother me, I've stopped sitting on the couch and been working all day sitting at my desk writing and online stuff...many hours...(more than 12)...

The thing that's interesting is that when I sit or used to sit on the couch, I'd always keep my feet up out of habit as that's better for your heart...but I just noticed that my ankles are quite swollen...I took a diuretic just now and will take my bp just to be sure...and call the doctor and see him asap..

I've never had swollen ankles and that of course is the first thing they check when we go for appointments...although after surgery I probably put on 20 lbs of water weight mostly on my ankles.

I also bought and just started using an inversion table for my's called the Teeter EP950 and it basically inverts up so that you are upside down to relieve pressure on your back..I don't stay on long at all but not sure it's the most brilliant thing for me to be doing heart wise.

Hope these swollen ankles don't mean anything serious is wrong..i doubt it but it still does spook me.

Sorry thaht you don't have as much progress as you would like. Now that you've reached the 6 week mark, isn't it time to ask about physiotherapy at your next appointment?

They are already saying that Skyler should be getting a physio program at his 6wk appointment, but that maybe because he's a kid.

Sorry thaht you don't have as much progress as you would like. Now that you've reached the 6 week mark, isn't it time to ask about physiotherapy at your next appointment?

They are already saying that Skyler should be getting a physio program at his 6wk appointment, but that maybe because he's a kid.

I think rehab if you want and need it happens pretty soon after surgery for most people...easily by 6 weeks...I guess I should drag my lazy butt over there..they called last week....

It's not necessarily needed depends...certainly I can do fine without it and went the first surgery and it was mostly a waste of time...

But as others have pointed out, it's nice to be able to work out in a safe environment being monitored...I know I don't need it but probably will go a couple of times to see.
Swollen ankles and about twenty pounds of fluid seems like it could cause you major problems soon, The roommate I had after surgery was there for a week after stopping in for hisscheduled two month checkup. I think internal fluid buildup can turn quite serious fast if you don't get on it early.
Swollen ankles and about twenty pounds of fluid seems like it could cause you major problems soon, The roommate I had after surgery was there for a week after stopping in for hisscheduled two month checkup. I think internal fluid buildup can turn quite serious fast if you don't get on it early.

You misunderstood my post...I lost all that fluid weight and was perfect within 2 weeks of surgery..

What happened last night was I noticed my ankles were badly swollen...that's never happened in my life ...

I started a dietetic and they are a little better but I will call the doctor first thing Monday...
Hey offwego, how them ankles doing, did ya call the doc's office and tell em what ya experienced ?


I started taking a diuretic on my own over the weekend to get rid of the water..I didn't call the doctor as I have appointments with the cardiologist and the surgeon tomorrow..

The ankles are still a bit swollen but 50% reduced...

I've been a terrible patient and am glad I am going tomorrow...I feel ok overall...not doing nearly enough exercise and back to poor habits..

I must be getting

But it's not really funny...I def need to get an answer as to why my ankles are swollen and if the valve is working correctly.

I'll post tomorrow night with an update..thank you for remembering and asking.
Had my two appointments today...and boy do I feel better...

First off, BP is fine, the intervals between the beats on the EKG are closer each visit, meaning the heart is healing just fine...Still on 25mg Toprol 2x a day but the doctor predicts I'll be off completely within 2 months.

This doctor is just so great...I can't say enough good things...Dr William Cole NYU) Smart, sharp and on his game.

My biggest concern was the swelling of my ankles..he considered a few things and he believes it's a side effect of a medication I started (with his knowledge) about 5 weeks ago....Not his approval but with his knowledge I started HGH (nordotropin). Fluid retention is a very possible side addition my jaw is aching on the right side and it 'clicks' ...another side effect of this medication...I'm gonna knock off the HGH experiment and perhaps try it again but after these side effects go away..perhaps a lower dose.

But everything about the check up was perfect..could not ask for more.

then I went upstairs and met with the surgeon...He wasn't thrilled with me taking Lasix every day and wants me to reduce that to 2-3 times a week...I didnt even bother asking about HGH as I know he's not going to say it's a good idea..they just don't have enough evidence..although the cardiologist did suspect it will be found to be a good thing in small dosages for certain situations.

I asked both doctors and both nurses about cardiac rehab and all agreed it's just not something I need...sure i can do it if i want but there is simply no need for it...Join the gym and start working out. no restrictions...use common sense and go slowly at first. Push more excuses!

I've been really not a good patient the last few weeks..i've gotten stupid lazy and into a dumb's not that bad but I am spoiled as this surgery went so well I am taking poor advantage of it..not eating great food, sleeping odd hours, drinking and going out too much (nothing crazy but still)...both doctors just shook their said "I'm basically living the life you wish you could lead"...hahaha.... He laughed too.

Basically the best part of the visit was hearing it from them that the heart is still healing and sorting itself out...and if I work out I will just feel that much better that much faster.

Oh...the cardiologist again mentioned he hears an aortic leak...said it's probably nothing to worry about but yet I don't like hearing about it..I mentioned it to the surgeon who instantly said 'this is a non issue."

and I'm not about to argue with him!

I got yet another free wake up call.

Time to start listening.

thanks for reading!
Yeah, I know what ya mean about feeling better, I want to jump in on some of them old habits I had ..LOL

I have not had an EKG during post op, but did get an echo scan for baseline....all good .

I turned down the rehab myself, did not want to drive a 1/2 hour each way, I can be done exercising in that time.

One thing I have noticed is my body is really wanting to stretch in the mornings, much like the way when I was young and layed in bed and got all the kinks out.
Early on I did not have that desire to stretch out, kinda wondering if it is the bodys way now saying, hey I'm ready to work a little more or
this is OK now, it won't hurt?? Either way, I'm glad I can work out the kinks, I have a lot of them ...
Yeah, I know what ya mean about feeling better, I want to jump in on some of them old habits I had ..LOL

I have not had an EKG during post op, but did get an echo scan for baseline....all good .

I turned down the rehab myself, did not want to drive a 1/2 hour each way, I can be done exercising in that time.

One thing I have noticed is my body is really wanting to stretch in the mornings, much like the way when I was young and layed in bed and got all the kinks out.
Early on I did not have that desire to stretch out, kinda wondering if it is the bodys way now saying, hey I'm ready to work a little more or
this is OK now, it won't hurt?? Either way, I'm glad I can work out the kinks, I have a lot of them ...

Nice someone can relate (and admit it)'s a great time of year to take 'inventory' and that's what I am doing...Lots needs to change in my life and it's all pretty good problems to have (Thank god)..

I really scared myself with the swollen ankles...I had visions of another valve surgery..this time a replacement...and that is a nagging fear as I predicted it would be before surgery..I told my sister that when i wake up post op and she tells me they fixed it, I would be happy but still concerned that it won't hold up.

I think that's normal and yes, I asked the surgeon about it yesterday...This guy is as serious as cancer as you'd expect..nice guy but there's not a lot of joking around here...He looked me in the eye and said, "It should hold up, it was an easy repair. I don't see any reason it shouldn't". That's about as good as it gets and anymore worrying and I will be neurotic about it.

I felt the same way about stretching out at about 6 weeks...oh by the's 9 weeks!

My cardiologist said come back in two months..I said, nope, I'll see you next month...he smiled and agreed.

I love NYU and the fast service and excellent service there. That place has stepped up their game since someone donated a few hundred million dollars to them!

Ilm feeling generous with the holidays and all...I think I'm gonna donate $100...: >
Wow, can't believe I haven't posted in 4 weeks!

Yesterday marked 13 weeks post op. Happy to have nothing much news wise to post about my heart...Here's a summary...for future reference I supposed..

I have just about zero sternum pain and very little 'awareness' of the incision...It's healed up really great...Hair hasn't filled it in perfectly but I think it's even now still healing albeit slowly....

I'm on 25mg Toporol 2x a day, a full aspirin and thats about it.

The swelling in my ankles turned out to be a side effect of another medication, which when i reduced the dose the swelling went away.

I'm not working out steadily but I haven't in a long time so the surgery didn't cure that

I went to Puerto Rico to celebrate New Years and was there for 2 weeks..walking up hills did produce some discomfort and shortness of breath but I think that can be attributed largely to being out of shape..

On the spur of the moment the other day I walked over 4 miles more than half of which was at a very fast pace...I did feel it of course and was tired when it was over but again, that's all a matter of conditioning.

I haven't been checking for missed/skipped beats or taking my pulse but just did, hoping I wouldn't have any...but I see I still do..that's not a surprise as my cardiologist wasn't concerned and each examination has shown improvement.

I'll probably see him within the next couple of weeks and report back..But all in all I am feeling pretty good..If I took a bit better care of myself, I'm sure I'd feel a bit better but can't complain.

My gut tells me there is a bit more of healing and improvement to come even at 13 weeks out..But I'm not complaining (for once!)

A late Happy New Year to everyone!
Wondered where u were - glad all is going right. Missed u

Still scheduled for feb 9 - and keeping very busy so that helps a lot. Traveling & even got an ok from dr
Office that I can do I program 8-9 weeks out. Life is good
This forum along w the one by adam has been Great and use them both

Glad u you to go to. PR Had to be fun. Be well. Best nancy Jane.
Yes Puerto Rico was fun...gave my heart a full workout by reuniting with my ex fiancee....Had our ups and downs and ended sorta as expected....Let's just say, I'm glad she's an 'EX"...oh my god...

But heart held up as much as she tried to break it.

Wow, February 9th is you've read and it's the truth, the worst part is the waiting...
Offwego, good to hear all is well with you health wise, been wondering what you were up to. Other then the ex it sounds like a trip away might have been good for you.

I had to quit milking the heart as an excuse to not return to work so went back last week, it will do me good to engage my brain again. My big trip will be heading across town to a beer tasting event this Saturday ...:redface2: