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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2005
formerly Beautiful Ozarks, near Branson, MO, now C
not sure where to post this, so I put it here. I fell sunday and broke my hip, have been in hospital bed since trying to get ptt right on. surgery at 5 pm today to place metal plate, rod and pins to fix hip. say a prayer please, a little nervous. and sorry this is disjointed, have been on morphine and more for three days. if all goes well, home on friday and on walker crutches for next 6 -8 weeks.
hopefully be able to post after surgery.
Please be well. I am praying that all is smooth with your surgery. This makes my broken foot sound trivial now.
So sorry to hear this. Hope your surgery goes well and you get out as scheduled. This will make for a long summer. :(
I'll keep you in my prayers for the duration.
Please let us know how you're feeling when you're able.
I'm so sorry you're facing surgery and convalescence. My sister fell in her home at age 42 when her dog yanked on the leash she was holding onto. Shattered the hip joint. So I know what you will be going through.

Some advice: Do not be in such a hurry to get back to driving that you just "try out" the driver's seat in your car before your doctor says you can. My sister did so @ 2 weeks -- in the driveway. OUCH big time!
She did some water therapy, which might be a good idea for your to get the hip limbered up afterward. Think she went to a YMCA for the therapy sessions.

Please have someone post -- if you can't do so -- how your surgery goes.
Just want to add my best wishes for a successful surgery and recovery.
WELL, goodness gracious, this is a shock! I am pretty sure you are still in surgery as this is written but you are getting my prayers. We will wait right here for you. While you recover, you can come on in VR and have somebody to talk to - if they let you rest while doing rehab. Best wishes and blessins.....

We cover the waterfront here in VR, don't we? Heart, rotator cuff, kidney stones, dental work, ringing in ears and hips. Where else but right here in VR?
You are in my prayers for a successful surgery and recovery. Keep us posted.

Be well,

So sorry to hear about the fall and the broken hip. Hope to hear that you are doing better soon.
I Made it !!

I Made it !!

I want to thank you all for your prayers. Dr.s were able to operate on Tuesday night, placed a plate, rod and screws. I'm getting better each day. No trying to get my INR back before I finish Lovenox injections on Tuesday am.
Thanks again everyone, prayers do make a difference.
I'm glad the surgery went well, and I hope you have an uneventful recovery.