eww...the flu

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Well-known member
Jul 4, 2003
I have been off-line for a week with the worst case of the flu that I have ever experienced. Wash your hands in case it is coming your way.

I vomited from Sunday night until Wednesday. My husband thought I was nuts when I called the cardiologist on Monday morning, but I am aware that can be a sign of heart attack in women. I called my family physician on Tuesday because I was having trouble breathing through all the nausea. He saw me and sent me for a chest x-ray to rule out CHS and blood work to rule out bacterial infection. That made my head feel better, but not my stomach. He had me on 3 different nausea meds and nothing worked. I was extremely nauseated 24/7.

He told me to go to the ER on Friday night or Saturday and be given fluids intravenously if I was still unable to eat. I hadn't slept more than an hour at a time all week and was awake the entire night before I went in to the hospital. When the triage nurse asked my address, I just looked at her like it was some kind of trick question.

I got my fluids and some morphine-like drug for the nausea. The ER doctor came in and hearing the history he felt it was more than the flu and sent me for x-rays. Of course my head was spinning with thoughts of surgery, no doubt heightened by whatever that drug was. Fortunately there was no blockage and they sent me home where I went to bed and slept for eighteen hours straight, other than when my husband and daughter woke me and got me to take juice and water.

I'm eating bland, solid foods today, but not much more. I'm just grateful that I can keep my heart meds down. I was so scared that without them I would go back into a-fib and back on coumadin. I've concluded that no matter what system breaks down from now on my first thought will be...MY HEART.
Kathy-just reading about your ordeal make my stomach feel queasy. So sorry you've been through such a bad time but glad to know you're on the upside of the experience. Take good care of yourself, girl!
Daughter and I are suffering with something - perhaps a lighter case of the flu because we had flu shots? We feel weak, nauseous (sp?), just lethargic and sickly. We were in contact with sick grandchildren last week and a day or so later I felt sick, and by Friday daughter came home from work early. Nasty but glad we have light cases, if that's what it is.
Thanks for the responses, everyone.

Hensylee, ironically enough, I had the flu shot. I had heard on the news that they seemed to have identified the wrong strain this year. I guess I'm living proof.

Tom, I did lose 8 pounds. Some people would be delighted, but I am already slim, so I have that pretty "sunken cheeked" look. I notice that my hips never disapear.

On about the third night I could feel that my sternum and pacemaker site had enough of that business. I just shutter to think what the experience would have been like, had I been if I had only been out of the hospital for a month or two.
You were smart to call your Dr when you did. I am glad you are feeling better.
Hi Kathy,
Sorry to hear about your flu ordeal. It sounds like it was terribly miserable, but that the worst is over. I know since my surgery, I have been really paranoid about getting sick. Like you said, I can't imagine how bad it would be for it to happen just a month or two out of surgery.
A lot of people I know have had the flu recently. Luckily I have escaped thus far. (knocking on the wood of my computer desk)


I am so sorry to hear about your illness. Remember lots of fluids. In Nov. a week and a half before Thanksgiving I went to bed not feeling just right. I woke up shaking and shivering. That next day (Tues) I could not get out of bed. Though I only vomited a couple of times I really felt sick. The next night my husband woke up from the heat radiating from my body. I took my temp, 104.2. My husband asked me if I wanted him to stay home from work to take care of me (he never, ever stays home from work), I told him no. That Wed. my daughter came home from college to take care of me. That Thurs. I finally went to the emergency room. I was dehydrated, which caused my pottasium to drop down to 2.4 and I had pnuemonia. Other than my surgeries I really don't ever remember feeling that bad. It took me weeks feel myself again. Needless to say I did not host thanksgiving dinner. We moved everything to my in-laws house. Please take care of yourself.
I feel better, but daughter stayed home from work yesterday, came home early today. Such a horrid cold and we pray that's all it is but she is bedded down for now. Please keep her in your thoughts. We don't want the flu -