Ellen out of surgery

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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2005
Baltimore, MD
Actually, Ellen tried to post several times but kept hitting roadblocks. I am sure she will try again when she gets home.
Her daughter called and said that she did well in surgery and had a repair not replacement. We are supposed to get more info in an email later tonight.
I will let you know more after I see her in the hospital later this week. I know she thanks you all for your support and good wishes.
Thanks for the post- repair instead of replacement is always good news! Can't believe she was already trying to post herself!
It's so nice to hear of a successful surgery and to know that Ellen is up and about. Please giver her best wishes and congratualtions. My best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Heard from Ellen's daughter that she was moved out of ICU this afternoon. She is not talking , however. She is writing everything. She was on the vent until 4am-long time since she was the first case yesterday am.
Had some oozing from the neck and chest wounds but that has stopped. I am going by the hospital after work tomorrow.
Thanks for all the good wishes.
Went to see Ellen after work today. She still has a chest tube in place but the PT had her walking stairs today She will be sent home on Sat. She is taking her pain med and trying to use the spirometer She won't eat. Can't stand to look at food. She did have the minimally invasive approach and is so glad. Thanks for your wishes.
I gave my surgeon's PA the site address again so that they can tell other patients about this wonderful site.