Earlybird or Night Owl?

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
I am an earlybird..Go to bed early/up early..:D ...I notice when I am having my morning coffee and tune into VR.Com..there are many of you who post after midnight.Yes, I do figure out the zone difference)..but, still many posting at midnight and after?.....Most of you are long post-Op....My reason for being an earlybird..Don't care for T.V. just certain nights.and no programs after 9 P.M....Don't like to read late. We have poor lighting..but, even if I had a great lamp..don't think I could get into a book at night..My parents were earlybirds all their life. Up early..bed early..Maybe it's my genes.:confused: Hubby can find late night projects..Hobby is developing his prints.( Grandkids, ect)..and anything in his workshop....... I really don't want to change...Enjoy the peace and quiet of early mornings.(after I get the dog/cats fed):p ..I know we are all different..A lot of you have weekly jobs, ect.....Just wondering why so many can stay up late? Bonnie
I'm an earlybird at this stage in my life. I go to bed around 10 or 11 and like to get up between 5 and 6. Go to the bathroom, feed my Greyhound, go for a jog and then it's coffee and oatmeal, so that's my usual morning. I remember a number of times in my younger age (when I was not working) that 10am was the wake up call. I can't imagine that now.
I'm a night owl, but I am forced into early bird mode by Joe's medical problems. We have many early morning appts.
Early bird. But still asleep (west coast!) when you get up, Bonnie! My favorite time is truly the break of day. All those lovely birds waking up, soft mist, cool promise of the new day. I used to sign up for early morning classes in college.....friends thought I was crazy. I just loved walking to class through the beautiful campus; quiet and peaceful. As a parent, I would always be the one to drive kids to tournaments (leave at 5am kind of thing).

But, I do like to stay up late whenever I can. For me, the best discovery I've made lately is naps!! They are wonderful and allow me to finish the day as I choose.

But, truly. I am a morning person

:D Marguerite
Night Owl

Night Owl

Night owl. Monday Night football, baseball playoff games, NBA playoffs -- most big sports events are at night. Late news, Letterman, Leno, late, late shows, movies, late sports scores on Web.

And if I have some writing or reading to do, it's best done late at night (or wee hours of morning). Quiet. No phones ringing.

Besides, I can't sleep anyway. So might as well enjoy the night.
Another reason..My daughter always calls..after she has dropped my Grandchildren off at Daycare..and on her way into work in Atlanta.:eek: Sitting in traffic at 8 A.M..We can talk more then..No way to do it at night.:p ... Hubby sleep in late..9-10 a.m.Always wants to know, the news.:D from daughter, ect......I think it was Churchhill . from England that said, the secret to a long marriage. never eat breakfast with your wife.:D Bonnie
Well....I used to be a party animal....but......

Well....I used to be a party animal....but......

since I have gotten sick, and complicated with the fact that I am getting older, I am not able to burn the late night hours up like I used to...now I am only good for about 1am max.....:D :eek: :mad: :D
Early bird here. I'm usually up around 4:30 and was out the door running or on the way to the pool at 5:00AM. I'm not a nap person, altho I've been trying very hard this last week. I'm usually in bed at 10PM. Like to read in the morning, but can never pick up a book after dinner. Not much of a TV person so I do a lot of channel surfing sometimes.
Early bird here. Of course, I do all my posting in the evening, when I SHOULD be grading papers. Ick. :p Love to get up reasonably early, otherwise I feel as if the day is wasted.
I used to have a T-shirt that said "I dont do mornings"...
and then we go and move here to Perth where the sun gets up at 4am in the Summertime :rolleyes: ...
Night Owl

Night Owl

Definitely a night person! Not much of a tv person. Love my sports though and just a couple of other tv shows. Just sometimes can't sleep. Can't imagine the adjustment I am going to have to face when I go back to teaching in December!
I'm the same as aussigal, used to stay up way too late and get up about 5 minutes before i could leave the house at the latest time to just about get to work if i broke all speed limits....

Since moving to Auz i can no longer stay up late, 10pm is now way too late for me, the dark comes down like a curtain over a 30minute period and then its pitch black here, plus the TV is crap so bed is the only option. Not sure if my ticker is contributing to this as i do feel tired and have done for a year or two.

As for getting up early i still havent mastered that yet, my alarm goes of at 6:05 and i hit the snooze button like its trying to steal my car until about 7:00am when i crawl out of bed, hit the shower, grab a bit of cereal and then ride to work...if it wasn't for the motorbike and ability to cut between traffic i'd be late every day.

As for posting on vr.com, its an all day thing for me at the moment, not doing much work at all as i'm expecting my surgery to be in about a months time and it doesn't seem right to be starting anything 'new'. Thank god i work in the IT department and can cover my tracks :D
These days

These days

I am neither! :eek:

I used to be a night owl and I still stay up pretty late but I could go to bed at 9 these days and be happy. We do stay up until about 11. I get in bed around 10 and read. Then lights out at around 11 and I am "out."

I do get up early on the weekends now only because I am realizing how precious life is. Now I know why my Mom used to say to my older sister and I that we needed to get out of bed, we were letting life pass us by.

Christina L
I am like Gina and Ross, I just can't sleep much anymore and I don't want to start taking another med.
I guess I would have to go with night owl. Hmmm, what time am I posting? 4AM EST?

:D ;)

I like to work nights and sleep during the day but when I sleep at night it is not unusual for me to get up at 6AM. Of course I like working nights because I get to ride almost everyday without taking time away form my kids.

Well whatever I am it works well for me. Oh yeah, I have now been up for over 20 hours and after 4 more hours of work I am going on a 2.5 hour car drive to do a 3 hour bike trip, sleep will come at some point after that.:rolleyes: :p

"Sleep, those little slices of death, how I loathe them" - name the author of that quote.


It's 6 a.m. in Georgia..Don't forget to take your raingear for that bike ride.:D Rainy Night/day in Georgia.:( Bonnie
Bonnie always comes up with something fun and interesting. Like her, I am an early bird. I discovered dawn when I was young and had to rise one early saturday. While having tea I watched the sun come over the horizon and fell in love with it. My daughter, who was a very late sleeper when she was young, also gets up very early these days. It isn't even light outside and we are both up. I compute while she does her early morning stuff to get ready to go to work. That way I can catch up on stuff and have time to sit on the porch to hear birds, and see the sun as its rays peep through our lovely old pines. Not this morning, tho, because the raindrops are falling slowly and the sound of it on our porch tin roof is also lovely.
When I retire in 2 years 9 months and 7 days I will be a nightowl. I have to get up at 5:15 now to go to work and although I get in bed around 9 and read about an hour each night I only average 4 hours sleep a night. I hope being a nightowl will mean I can sleep a little better after I retire.