Drinking while taking Warfarin(Coumadin)

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Yes, I second...To tell you..You are My Golden Boy :D :D Because you were the first one to try my possum meat at the reunion in Golden, Co. last year. :D :D :D Everyone had it in front of them for a snack..but you were brave enough to try yours first. :D I tried to tell them it was yummy... :D Good for every thing..sex, growing hair on your head, and most of all. keeping your INR in range. :p :p :p :p It was free from me..but, now, they will have to pay me for it. :D :D Keep up with the good work you do all over the world. We love you. :) :) :) :) :) Bonnie
Good for every thing..sex, growing hair on your head, and most of all. keeping your INR in range.

I must have been in the placebo group!!


Granbonny said:
I looked at your profile on VR.Com...I clicked on your first and ONLY post..And it was about alcohol..Most all of your replies were about alcohol :confused: :confused: Then I looked at your surgeries...Underneath your signature...I have a question?..Why did your Bovine go South after less than 6 years.. Had it on my birthday, June 10th, 1998... :) ..Then, you had the new one on Nov. 24th, 2004.......Tissue valves are suppose to last a little longer than 6 years.... :confused: Most members who have to have a 2nd surgery..will normally post why? If you don't mind sharing this info...it will be of great info..for many people with a Bovine...Was it your age, ect?..thanks..Bonnie

You are +-65 and I am 25, worlds apart in the medical realm. I have posted many times before that the bovine valve had simply calcified and that it was normal for someone at age 18.

As for alcohol being the topic of my first post, so what. I post for informational purposes and that was and is the only info I need from the board at this time.



Please accept my sincere apology...I went back to look at your replies..and saw there was a page 2..The first page were the most recent replies....concerning alcohol...I read your Bio on Jan. 6, 2005....(on page 2) A very good one..especially for our younger members.having to choose a valve.... Maybe you could repost it..In a New post under valve-choice. Again, I apology..... That's what happens when you are my age..Bad eyes. :D I have a son not much older than you..and I know, I would have a hard time trying to give him any advice..if he were to have to have his valve replaced. :eek: B/T/W..I'm enjoying a beer now...so, maybe there is not a big difference in our ages. :D :D Bonnie
Granbonny said:
Please accept my sincere apology...I went back to look at your replies..and saw there was a page 2..The first page were the most recent replies....concerning alcohol...I read your Bio on Jan. 6, 2005....(on page 2) A very good one..especially for our younger members.having to choose a valve.... Maybe you could repost it..In a New post under valve-choice. Again, I apology..... That's what happens when you are my age..Bad eyes. :D I have a son not much older than you..and I know, I would have a hard time trying to give him any advice..if he were to have to have his valve replaced. :eek: B/T/W..I'm enjoying a beer now...so, maybe there is not a big difference in our ages. :D :D Bonnie

Hey Bonnie!
You're some classy gal! I only wish a few others acted like you!
I've got some great pics of your new grandkids, but I'm having trouble posting them due to the picture format. :eek: I'll keep working on it. :)
Ok, I'm through hijacking the thread--for now. Back to your beer! :D
Pam Osse said:
Rich - you asked the question in the first place - why the defensiveness? It's borderline rude, no matter what the age of the responder is. Being 25 and having surgery twice doesn't give you a "free pass" to do that. A lot of us are in our 20's and 30's on this site (including me) and are interested in the information on this thread. I (maybe mistakenly) thought you were too, considering you started it.
I asked what question...? This is not my thread.

I simply posted to say I have done testing to check the effects of alcohol on INR and people try to crucify me saying my activities are reckless. Since I have done testing, I am providing this thread with valuble information (imho). Sorry to bonnie if I came off rude, but I started a thread like this and people hijacked it and it completely lost it's meaning. I want people to know real information, rather than a bunch of theory and such. Even if i'm an isolated case, people should know that some people do not experience a change in INR with consumption of alcohol.



Granbonny said:
Please accept my sincere apology...I went back to look at your replies..and saw there was a page 2..The first page were the most recent replies....concerning alcohol...I read your Bio on Jan. 6, 2005....(on page 2) A very good one..especially for our younger members.having to choose a valve.... Maybe you could repost it..In a New post under valve-choice. Again, I apology..... That's what happens when you are my age..Bad eyes. :D I have a son not much older than you..and I know, I would have a hard time trying to give him any advice..if he were to have to have his valve replaced. :eek: B/T/W..I'm enjoying a beer now...so, maybe there is not a big difference in our ages. :D :D Bonnie
Your a much better person that I am. I get carried away sometimes (well maybe more than not). No hard feelings, i'm sorry if I offended you.

Every once in awhile people get a little too strong here. I guess it is because the topics are so near to our hearts.

I am reminded of the attorney who asked a question and when the witness answered, the attorney objected to the answer. The judge had to remind the attorney that you can't object to the answer to a question that you asked.
Lets go for for six!

Lets go for for six!

We love ya, Rich. :) I?m very interested in your research..... hopefully if you do it, my son won?t feel like he has to! I can see him doing the same dang thing!! :D lol I can see him in your posts... very smart, witty and a fun guy. You?re an asset to the forum.

Al isn?t quite God yet.... but lets not beat up on him.... he?s close. :p He?s one smart duck, Rich... he may not know everything, but he knows a lot more about warfarin than most of us.

And Ms. Granbonny is a doll........ Lets meet her for a beer in Vegas in October!!! Hey Al... they?re free there... if you throw money in the slots.............. oh, wait.... :eek: That?s pretty expensive beer!! Never mind, I?ll buy you one ........ or two!! :D
Rain said:
........ Lets meet her for a beer in Vegas in October!!! Hey Al... they?re free there... if you throw money in the slots.............. oh, wait.... :eek: That?s pretty expensive beer!!........

Hey Rain,

Not if you play the nickel slots and move v e r y s l o w l y :D :D
Rain said:
And Ms. Granbonny is a doll........ Lets meet her for a beer in Vegas in October!!! Hey Al... they?re free there... if you throw money in the slots.............. oh, wait.... :eek: That?s pretty expensive beer!! Never mind, I?ll buy you one ........ or two!! :D

I've been to Vegas twice -- food's cheap, matched the quality, at least as far as prime rib is concerned. So I wonder if the booze would taste the same??????

Am trying to help move this to 6 pages.... or has it already made that honor??? :D
Pam Osse said:
We'd better watch Rain and Shezagirlie - there's a slide in Vegas!

Does the slide drop into a vat of margaritas? Wouldn't that look interesting!! Just salt the rim of the pool with rock salt..... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Of course, if you're on a low- or no-salt diet, you'd be up a creek.
Hi Gang,

Thought I would weigh in on this topic. Although I will most likely be "Tied to the Whipping Post" for my comments.

This thread is in reference to a serious topic. The amount of hits on this thread is amazing to say the least.

How many of the replies are a serious response to the topic in the "Coumadin" catagory... and how many really belong in "Small Talk" ?

Let us not forget.. people come here looking for help... and in my opinion, the topics selections should do just that... Provide Help. I know many of us are regulars, and like to chat amongst ourselves.. But just imagine for a moment, "If you were someone coming here for the first time" looking for help on this topic.. and having to go though all these posts off-topic.. Would you stay? Would you give up the search? Would you click out and look for another site to obtain useful info?

Perhaps I am just getting old.. in any event... I just feel so strongly about this issue of keeping focused on topic and providing help to others.

Hope you don't take this personal.. it's not intended to be.. It is just a reminder as to why we all came here in the first place.

My best to all,

Now where is my picture of Fabio????

Now where is my picture of Fabio????

Oh come on Fabio... :D There is lots of life after OHS and we're here to live it to the fullest. So, what's wrong in conveying that thought and a little optimism to the newbies by using a little humor?

If I were one of the folks coming here for the first time, I'd be so relieved to know that VR.COM isn't full of doom and gloom and that there is a normal life post surgery.

Good to see your smiling face again! I'll just back out the door now.... :eek:
I spent a long time trying to find the slot where the pennies went into the penny slots!!!
Not meaning to hijack the thread, but Rob's post made me wonder - just how do people find this site. I found it through a Google search on a Coumadin issue. It lead me directly to the post that addressed my question. I got the answer I needed and then started to explore. Someone just joined because of a similar situation.

Maybe I'll do a poll on Small Talk.
I'd probably find one without the "h".

I refer a lot of people. I see many of them on-line later, including the person who started this thread.