Dressler's/Pericarditis Up-date

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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2006
New Orleans, LA
The drugs are working so no surgery for me!!
Today's echo showed a substantial reduction in the amount of fluid in the pericardium so I will continue with the medications in hope of a complete resolution medically. Makes me want to go for a run! Don't worry I will resist the urge, but when I make that first run my VR.com friends will be the first to know.

Such happy news. I wish you a speedy and thorough recovery.
Thanks for letting us know.
Philip, I'm glad to hear it is being controlled with medication. I had to be opened up and drained, and it was no fun... Best of luck to you and continue to update us on your progress.
Excellent news! Now you can move past this concern and focus on your heretofore speedy recovery. Go enjoy your weekend!!

:D :D Marguerite
Great news

Great news

That is exactly the news we want to hear. Keep those steroids coming and the positive thoughts since both work hand in hand.
Great news, Phillip- we wish you a speedy and complete recovery.
Great news Philip..

Great news Philip..

Glad to hear the good news. I am up here in Massachusetts visiting with family.I came on here especially to check and see how you were doing.
I hope the rest of your recovery is problem free.
Good News!

Good News!

The fluid from the Dressler's/pericarditis has been greatly reduced with only a very small amount remaining. The cardiologist gave his blessing to play and exercise. I will make my modest running debut this afternoon. In anticipation of this I have my running clothes/shoes with me at work. All I have to decide is the location, Audubon Park or a track? There is a 2 mile race this PM, could be an option??
I'll bet most would discourage following this with a swim? Is water skiing and a bike ride on Saturday OK? OK, I promise not to over do it....(this weekend) :)

You really need to remember you are still recovering from a serious condition so please don't overdo it or you will end up with a recurrence. Could you make a choice BETWEEN the bike ride or water skiing?
Please take care.
Philip said:
The fluid from the Dressler's/pericarditis has been greatly reduced with only a very small amount remaining. The cardiologist gave his blessing to play and exercise. I will make my modest running debut this afternoon. In anticipation of this I have my running clothes/shoes with me at work. All I have to decide is the location, Audubon Park or a track? There is a 2 mile race this PM, could be an option??
I'll bet most would discourage following this with a swim? Is water skiing and a bike ride on Saturday OK? OK, I promise not to over do it....(this weekend) :)


I actually believe my pericardial constriction was brought on by too much exercise following my pericardial effusion, and if I had it to do over again, I would have taken it much easier.
However, you don't strike me as one who gives much credence to other's experiences, so if you want to run and swim, and then water ski and ride your bike on Saturday, go ahead. No one can tell you how you'll feel, so give it a shot if you want to, and then see how your recovery is going next week. Perhaps you'll be able to step it up several notches. Of course, don't discount the possibility of losing ground instead.;)
Mary, I Promise...

Mary, I Promise...

Mary, I promise to be well behaved; as much as I want to do all the items listed above along with a few others I don't want another set-back so I will pace myself. Unfortunately my aerobic capacity is still sucking bottom so there is a finite amount of energy to be used. Today's "run" will consist of VERY slow 400 meter "runs" with 200 meter walked recoveries between. It is my intention to pace the 400's to hold a consistent pace for a total of 4 x 400 My best quess is this will be at a pace of close to 11 minuets per mile.

Ok Phillip; I'm taking you at your word so . . .
put your hand in the air, and repeat after me:

I Phillip, being in sound mind and body (hopefully!) promise that I will keep my heartrate under 135 beats while exercising this week-end. In addition, if I feel any discomfort, shortness of breath, or heart irregularities, I will immediately slow down, cool down, and call it a day!

Don't forget, you PROMISED!:p :p :p :p
Let me know how it goes--Mary:)
Mary, I see your 135 and raise you 10 beats

Mary, I see your 135 and raise you 10 beats

Mary I see your 135 beats and raise you 10. I am OK with the additional terms of our agreement.

Philip said:
Mary I see your 135 beats and raise you 10. I am OK with the additional terms of our agreement.


I'll call you at 140 only if you're at least ten years younger than I am (I'm 54).:p :p And seriously, at only 8 weeks out, you might still be pushing it.
You're in uncharted territory following your bout with pericarditis. . .and although I like being right, I'd hate to be in this particular instance.:) :)