Double Valve Replacement

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Hi Everyone,

Thank you so much for all of your responses to my postings. It has encouraged me to move forward and take the next step in preparing for surgery. My husband has also benefited from this site. Of course we are both fearful of the surgery, but he has found comfort in the information and education he has gotten from reading about all of you.

He has asked me to see if there are any others out there who have had a double valve replacement. I need to have a avr and mvr and am wondering if the recouperating or surgery itself differs at all.

Thanks again and we will keep reading.

Hi Dodi,

Hello and welcome to the site. I haven't seen your previous posts but I'm sure everyone welcomed you with encouraging words. I had a triple valve job done. I had my aortic and mitral valve replaced with St. Judes and I had my tricuspid valve repaired. As far as if having 2 valves opposed to one worked on I don't think it affects the recouperating time. It probably affects the surgery time and the time on the heart-lung machine but in the end I doubt it affects recovery. I can say it's twice as much clicking with the artificial valves. I would recommend going to the homepage and reading some of the personal stories. There are a few members who've had double valve replacement. I'm sure others will be along shortly to chime in. Good luck with everything and keep us updated. You'll be in our thoughts and prayers. Take care!
Hi Dodi, and welcome aboard. I'm a "double-clicker," having both Aortic and Mitral valves replaced with mechanicals. I believe in most cases the recovery would be the same. I had some major respiratory complications during my recovery, but they were unrelated to the fact that I had 2 valves replaced. In other words, it would have happened even only having one replaced, and my situation is NOT typical....don't fret about, it in other words. Check out my personal story for more information or feel free to email me.

Welcome to the group.