Donna's surgery tomorrow

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Donna, you are getting ready to take the plunge tomorrow. I just wanted to let you know that you will be in my prayers while you walk on up the mountain. All will be well and soon you will be right over the top and on to a new life. Maybe someone can let us know how it goes? GODSPEED

Thank you so much for thinking of me and prayers are MOST welcome. I have been quite calm but this morning I was removing my jewelry in prep for surgery and felt a bit apprehensive. Then, I saw your message which gave me a lift.
My husband , Paul will try to post my progress and he will also be calling Christina.

Everyone has been so supportive and I don't know what I would have done without this group. Please keep me in your thoughts and be I am grateful that you will all be there when I have post op concerns. I am sure I will have a bunch, especially re: Coumadin.

Thinking of all of you also. I am bringing the the indescribable sense of energy, peace and calmness that I have received from this group as I go up "the mountain".


Here's wishing you the very best as you head up the mountain. You will be fine. You're so right about the peace that envelops you right before've made all the decisions, now just go with them and expect the best. Go with God, and please keep us posted.


I will be thinking of you as you go through your operation. Stay calm and think positive thoughts.

Hi Donna-

Wishing you the very best surgical result possible. You'll be fine and will be in my thoughts and prayers.

So, Bon Voyage and smooth sailing. We'll look forward to hearing how things went. Talk to you later.
Let me add my words of encouragement. You will be fine, the surgery is the life saving event. The surgical team is well prepared and very serious and highly skilled. Know that you are in great hands and they will be giving you the finest treatment you could find anywhere.

This group at sends powerful energy from "the force" out to all its members begining the climb up this mountain. They got me over the top and down the other side with great humor and love.

My very best thoughts go out to you and yours for this coming tense time.

Please remind your family to take good care of each other. The stress is probably worse on family and those close to us, they don't have the skilled docs and nurses taking care of them 24/7 and they feel helpless besides.


I also wish you much luck with your surgery. I hope you have a speedy recovery. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. God speed to you. Peggy
Hi Donna,

I will have you in my thoughts and prayers as you climb that mountain. When you post again you will be on the other side. I felt such an inner peace the day of my surgery. I had made up my mind to Let go, Let God! All my fears were wiped away and Idid make it up and over that mountain without a problem. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Hello, Donna...I'll be sending lots of positive thoughts your way tomorrow. We'll look forward to the updates as Paul can work it in.
Donna, what Bill said is true! We will all be thinking, praying, and caring for you as you go through the procedure and afterwards.

I hope someone can post on your behalf and let us know how things went.
Everyone here has said it all already, but I just want to let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Everything will be just fine and you will be back posting and feeling better before you know it. Please let us know how things go.

Take Care & God Bless!

Hope all goes well with your surgery. You will be in my toughts all day today. I'll see you on recovery road.

Ain't no mountain high enough when the" force" is with you.
along with the others I'm a part of that energy that will help over that mountain--God be with you!:)