Do we reallly want to do this?

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Well-known member
May 18, 2004
Arlington, Tx.
Okay, I'm busting a gut..............My parents have graciously offered to take the entire family on a cruise to Alaska this summer. Last minute, I know, but I have at least one travel agent who thinks she can make this happen..............but now I have second thoughts.

Do I really want to take Katie on a cruise? :eek: It would be seven days. And we would have to fly to Seattle and Katie's never flown. She couldn't before her fontan surgery. Now she has had her fontan, but we have not tested the water I want to risk this? I know we can test her INR with our hometester, but with the risk of rotovirus and something happening at sea, do I really want to do this? ARGH!

To top things off, this would probably be our last chance for a family trip with my parents. My parents are 76 and Daddy really boogered himself up in a car accident five years ago and has to get around with a cane...........and we are definitely looking for a place on the outskirts of town with a few acres to get some critters.............once that happens, it will be much harder to go anywhere, even if my parents' health holds out. As it is, we have to find a babysitter for Spike, the bearded dragon, and MooMoo, the beta fish. (Don't ask!)

But I am more concerned about Katie, of course. Do we go for it? Has anyone here on coumadin taken a cruise? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Hugs. J.
Hi Janet,
Can't help on the medical side of things but I would vote go. As you pointed out there is so much going on it may be the last chance you have to do it. I have a picture of my son with my grandmother - his great grandmother, it was worth the trip and the pictures will always be very special.
I understand your concern Janet. Trying to keep Katie quiet/settled on a flight to Seattle will be a huge challenge. I don't think the cruise will be an issue since there are so many things to do on cruises these days, I am sure she will be fine. If you feel the flight can be handled, I say go for it. I took my mom to Hawaii for her 70th birthday a year after my last OHS. I was not sure I was ready for such a huge trip but my mom was failing. It turned out to be wonderful and also turned out that was the last opportunity I would have had to make such a trip. Our time with family is so very precious and it always seems so very brief.
Make some more memories where/when you can.
Dear Janet,
Check the medical aspect out with the cardio and if you get the green light- go for it! You will be making wonderful memories for Katie, yourselves and of course your parents. I hope it all works out. Katie will love flying and then you won't be able to hold her back after that- she will need to fly to CT!!:D
Janet suit up the battle gear and GO! For most people, it's a once in a lifetime thing anyhow, why miss it. I'm sure Katie will enjoy it too once introduced to Eskimos and seals! :)
I can't speak for the medical part, but we took our family on the Northwest Passage tour in 2001 and it is one of their favorite trips. My father had been to every state in the union except Alaska and he was the reason for the trip. It was great. Very expensive (nice to have grandparent's help!)

We were able to get balcony rooms on the same hallway (there were 6 of us). The rooms are very tiny. Having a window is a must. Having a balcony was heaven. There is so much to do on these ships. And the excursions are amazing. Breathtaking. We're not high adventure people, so we opted for the lazy raft trip through eagle country. My dad wanted to see a gold mine. The others went to Mendenhall Glacier. In one town, we just got off and wandered around and did nothing special and it was great.

It absolutely poured for a few days. My daughter, a volleyball player even then, went up to the "rooftop" court and the wind kept taking the balls away. It was hilarious, but there were 12 brave souls up there having a great time! Not your typical game, but certainly memorable.

I think she will love it. LOVE IT!! Talk to the ship company and find out about emergency care and all.

Keep us posted!

An awesome opportunity, but scary, too. Would your parents consider taking you guys on a different kind of vacation, maybe a little more in your comfort zone with Katie? Or do they have their hearts set on the Alaska cruise -- Alaska or Bust!?? Loved the part about the pet sitters ... I can relate! ANy time we go anywhere we disperse our collection of animals (cats, hermit crabs, ant farms, fish ... and the latest... GERBILS --ack! stinkin' little rodents) to various homes around town ... always fun! Let us know what you decide!

"Daddy really boogered himself up"
never heard such a saying before in my life, but i has me laughing, not of course at your Dad's misfortune, just the saying itself. You make me laugh Janet!
By the way, cruise ships scare me. I keep hearing more and more stories of passengers who fall overboard... I would really worry about taking my rowdy gang of boys (who listen so well...NOT!) on a cruise right now. But that's just me, and I am notoriously known to be a worry-wart when it comes to absurd things like the chance of my kid falling off a cruice ship...!!! Saw this when I signed on this morning

I hope I am not being a black cloud.
hey, me again with one last babble. as i continued to think about this, i thought i'd post how this would likely work in in my family ... my husband, the rational one, would override all my crazy over-protective mom lunatic worries and we'd go!

Of course, I'm the mom who you'd see with the kids on kid-dog leashes so they don't fall overboard (do you see a theme here that this is my biggest fear with cruise ships?!) ... but if you went to Niagara Falls, you'd probably see me with my kids on leashes there also so they don't fall over........!!! wooosh, that's a loooooooooong way down!! :eek:

If you have the all clear medically from Katie's doctors, I am sure it would be a fantastic time!!!!
Go, Janet! Go!

Go, Janet! Go!

A creative, resourceful mom such as yourself will have no problem entertaining Katie on the airplane, afterall we know you have much experience in the car. Five is actually a pretty wonderful age to fly--lots of games and activities and face time with mom and dad. And they're still small enough that the seats are actually comfortable. Oh! And just think of all the strangers to interact with! ;) (I have vivid memories of flying when I was six and sitting next to an elderly gentleman who used a knife to cut his apple and eat it off thumb and knife. I interrogated him at length about what he was doing and why. We (I) had a delightful time!) And with trips to the bathroom and flight attendant's station, flying allows quite a bit more freedom than driving. Do you worry about her oxygen sats flying or something? I haven't a clue about that....

I suppose the services available onboard a cruise vary some between cruiselines, but probably not a lot. I checked out Carnival's medical services:
I'll bet you can even call and talk to a ship's doctor about any concerns you have.

I have to admit those recent new stories of lost teens and kids overboard did cross my mind, but you're not going to let Katie out of your sight anyway, are you? And with the whole family around, you'll have lots of willing supervisors.

Sounds like the opportunity of a lifetime. I hope it works out.
Wow .. what an exciting offer..
not sure 'bout the medical stuff. I second a long conversation with the cardio before going..
could you maybe fly a day or two before the that she has time to recover from the flight?
I think I would have to take the offer.. sounds like it could be a wonderful memory for all of you:)
Did you find out for sure..where the cruise leaves from?...Most Alaska cruises depart from Vancuver, B.C....We flew to Seattle and drove on up..but, kids had to change plane in Seattle.. We went in July, too cold in June and mosquiters (skitters:D are bad in August..)..Even in July..had to take warm clothes....Kids did the fly and raft trip..Cannot remember which up to top of a Glacer and float down..where we picked them up a few hours away (ship) I think we stopped at 6 towns..Skagway was my favorite. Still had the wooden sidewalks... all of the excursions are extra cost..and have to sign up before you leave...We had inside only change clothes and sleep there.:p Could see the whales anywhere from the other rooms.......I don't remember seeing many young children and only a few ones my kids age..They hooked up quickly..(early 20's) and stayed together away from us.:D I wouldn't worry about Katie..Millions of planes around..that land and take off in the water..and they could have her at a hospitals in minutes...I would go. just take warm clothes for her... Bonnie
I'd take her in a heartbeat. The flight will be no problem - it'll be new and fascinating for her. And the ships are huge and have kids' programs. And the good thing about an Alaska cruise is that you're never far from land (that was a consideration when we took a cruise a year after I had ohs - I was little concerned about being far from medical help).

Falling over - nah. They have high rails. Rotovirus? They're really careful now (kinda like security after 9/11). Make sure she washes her hands. And they have little guys with wipes (like hundreds of Monks) when you embark.

It's a wonderful opportunity. And it'll be good for you, too - I've never found any vacation as relaxing as a cruise - you're waited on hand and foot.

Alaska is fabulous. Other than whale-watching, we never scheduled shore excursions - just got off the ship and shopped around and found terrific excursions for half the price of the ones on board.

If I could afford it I'd take my grandsons on a cruise.

I'd say go for it, Janet.

But, that'd be selfish ... because I can already imagine the type of golden stories Katie will provide you to tell us ... on the flight, heck in the airport, on the cruise, etc. ;).

Seriously, though ... get the OK from Katie's cardiologist ... and then GO....just GO.

Well, as long as it IS during the summer ... and you'll be home in October when I come through TX again ;).

Cort, "Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip", 32swm/pig valve/pacemaker =
chdQB =
"We're outta here" ... Steve Azar ... 'I Don't Have To Be Me 'Til Monday'
I guess I'm in agreemento with everyone and here is what I'd do. First and most important check with the cardio. Next talk with your parents and tell them about your concerns and whether they really want to go to Alaska or a closer destination will be fine. I see you live in TX and there are cruises that leave from TX and you wouldn't have to fly. There are also many that leave from various ports in FL and the air trip will be shorter. There are wonderful cruises to the Caribbean and Carnival has family Disney cruises. Take activity books, crayons, etc. that your little girl can play with in the plane
Then if it is Alaska no matter bring warm clothing and dress her in layers...I took a cruise to Alaska a few years ago in the summer and needed a heavy winter jacket. Also bring a water proof poncho or something similar. Even thou is summer, the weather is quite cold...nice walking shoes w/heavy socks is a must.
I took my brother and family to a cruise a couple of years ago. He had had a hip operation and was able to sit straight for the first time in 25 years. Enjoyed the trip tremendously with his children and wife. He passed away last year of a sudden heart attack...the memory of the good time we all had really helps us all. I'm so glad we did it
Oh, thank you all so much.............

Oh, thank you all so much.............

I knew I could count on y'all for a sounding board. I know I didn't make myself very clear last night.................those wild, inane post-midnight ramblings when I can't sleep. :D

My two concerns for Katie: yes, the flight! And not with keeping her occupied.........hadn't even thought about that one...........hey, so the stewardesses will earn their paycheck that day.........heehee! :D Katie's O2 sats are really excellent (98-99, which we have never had before last summer) since her last surgery(ies), but her circulation is not normal and never will be. Her blood is ONLY pumped to her body, circulates throughout her body, drains to her lungs and then back to her heart. Her entire circulation is based on pressures. Her surgeon said that she should be okay to fly post-fontan, but we have not tried it yet. I will definitely run this past her PC, though. I am thinking that if we do the flight in spurts (like we could afford non-stop anyway;) ) that it would be better. And I do like the idea of going a day or two in advance............

And two, a medical emergency at sea. THe rotovirus only scares me because I am afraid it will wreak havoc on Katie's INR...........but since many of you have assured me that land is very near at all points, I feel better about that. Jen, I hadn't even thought about Katie flying overboard............thanks for putting that one in my head..........:D heehee!
She is a little hellion!

Thank y'all so much for the gentle reminder that this may be the last chance we get and to go for it. My dad's health has not been the same since that car accident (since he boogered himself up, Jen, :D ). I dunno why, but my gut is telling me I should make this happen. I just needed my "family" to tell me to go for it. As yet, though, nothing is definite...........

And, Maka, yes, my mom has always wanted to see wasn't top of my books...........Venice is........haha! but will probably never see...........and I'm so sorry about your brother........lost mine, too, and sister, too, so can definitely relate to your pain.

And, Bonny, yes, there are actually seven ships now that do roundtrip from Seattle...............the one we are looking at even has a kids' pool..........heated, of course. :D

And the rest of my family.............thank you guys so much. I think I just needed this push! It's my pre-Katie days, I was just a jump in and do it type of, I seem to need y'all's blessing on everything..................;)

Oh, and Georgia, not to hijack my own thread, but thank you so much for the head's up on the vitamin K in Viactiv. I can't believe I didn't catch that sooner as I seem to check everything else. We are going to keep Katie on it as now we have compensated for it with her coumadin, but that sure explains why we had to up her dosage a few months back when we first put her on it after I read that study on coumadin interfering with calcium absorption..................

Will keep you all posted. NOw does anyone want to keep a bearded dragon for a couple of weeks? Can't find too many bearded dragon boarders. Many hugs and much love. Janet
Hello, and just another thought here as I read your latest post on your concerns about Katie flying.
If you do the flight in spurts you are subjecting Katie's circulation to more pressure changes than if you just do it all at once, where you have have a pressure change as you ascend, and then a pressure change as you descend. Throughout the flight the pressure in the cabin SHOULD BE controlled - stable and steady. If you break your trip up into 1 or 2 connects you are looking at 2 or 4 ascents & 2 or 4 descents.

If your gut is telling you to go then you better get packing those bags!!! :D Always trust your instinct!

Regarding the rotavirus, call your ped. and ask about the Rotateq rotavirus vaccine. I know at one point several years ago a rotavirus vaccine was recalled, but it seems the last few times i've been at the peds office i have seen promotions for a vaccine again??
Janet, if flying appears to be an issue for Katie, have you considered train? My kids took the train to Denver with the grandkids (3 & 6); went first class in a sleeper. The little guys loved it; meals were all included. And they got to use the fancy first class lounge in Chicago during the layover. It would be a long trip for you, with a couple of changes in California, but it looks like it's doable. My daughter took a dvd player and miscellaneous other things to occupy the boys; but they loved being in the dome car and watching everything go by.

The cost was pretty good, too - especially considering that they had to purchase the tix at the last minute.


Jen the rotavirus vaccine has been recalled............too many adverse reactions...............and I hadn't thought about all those ascents and descents...............oh, more questions for the PC.

And Georgia, thanks..............yeah, we have done Amtrak a LOT in the past...............that's how we always get to Michigan and back for surgeries.............but I don't think my parents would do so well with all of that jouncing around...............but still it's an option and thanks for reminding us. Hugs. J.
Her stats are next near to perfect. Go for it! Enjoy. And send us a ton of pictures! We will be in your neck of the woods in a few weeks! My daughter is 10. She has been looking for little ones to read to so far this summer. Just that she is willing to read these days is awesome! Would be great to meet for a bite to eat!!:)