Do the Surgeons Remember?

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I have thanked and updated my surgeon many times, along with his annual christmas card. He does ask my friends I used to work with now and again of how i am doing. It makes me feel great to let him know that his hard work and dedication to makeing me well, doesn't go unthanked. So write the notes and thank away.:)
I make a point of not only thanking The Surgeon, rather writing and thanking the whole surgical team. The surgeon is after all only the team leader, he doesn't operate on his own.

Also a note of thanks to the ward and nursing staff is in order. Nursing stations seem to be awash with gifts of chocolates, so I asked them what would be a suitable gift? A large tub of good quality hand cream was the answer. ;) The multiple hand washing required of nurses causes dried out hands. They constantly apply small quantities of moistourising cream in an effort to combat it.
Surgeons Remembering

Surgeons Remembering

On my 1st year anniversary, I made several boxes of little cakes with a heart decorated on the top, and a written note thanking the departments from the bottom of my new mitral valve heart with my name and room number from the previous year. I gave these to the floor nurses, ICU, housekeeping, maintenence, Lab, Dietary, Pt, Transferring, Surgeon, and my cardiologist. The cardiac floor assured me that it was well appriciated and the Surgeon was actully walking on the floor headed to ICU. I think for him, it is nice to hear of the success stories. For me, without the kindness and professionalism of the other departments, recovery wouldn't have gone so smoothly.

jane v
2 years
mitral valve
st. jude's
I talked to my original Dr. who did my surgery back in 1959. This was sometime around 1988 as I recall. He was great, he remember everything in fact he asked me if I wanted a copy of all his notes from the original surgery. Which I have and gave to my surgeon prior to my last surgery.
My last surgeon was impressed that I had all those records! He did say it was helpful in that he could determine exactly what was done and be ready for it when he did his surgery.

So yes I do believe they remember!
When my son was admitted to the rehab hospital after his amputation, he made a point of walking across the street and visiting the staff who cared for him all those long and painful days on the orthopedic ward. Took them chocolates, too. They had a great visit.

I've always kept in touch with the staff at Walter McKenzie Health Sciences Centre. They saved my life, twice.