dental worries again

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alpha 1

Well-known member
Feb 14, 2008
Hi havent been on for awhile sometimes you just want to forget about all of the health issues and just get on with life for awhile. Well adam has a double ear infection that we have been treating for the last couple of weeks with augmentin. the ent said if it wasnt gone with the first round to get a second perscription which we are. so he has a cleaning scheduled for tomorrow. does anyone think that we shouldnt do it since the infection isnt all the way gone it was a pretty bad one. also the dentist said he will need a root canal on one molar and also needs wisdom teeth out. does anyone here think this will be a problem. other than some high blood pressure issues he has been doing well. thank you for any input.

alpha 1
Wow, haven't seen you for ages. Good to hear from you.

With your particular questions, I would suggest discussing this with Adam's cardio. I would want to know what his doctors advise.

Good luck.
jkm7 thank you so much for your response. I wander if anyone else that had valve replacement has had a root canal or wisdom teeth out. how are you doing. sometimes i just have to forget about things for awhile. now things are cropping up again. hope you are good. thanks for remembering me.
I wander if anyone else that had valve replacement has had a root canal or wisdom teeth out. QUOTE]

I have had several root canals and crowns in the past 20 years with no problem. Fortunately, I have never had "wisdom teeth" extractions, but have had a couple of regular tooth extractions with no problem. If the dentist wants you to go off warfarin(for more than one day), make sure he/she works closely with your cardio.
I had my mitral valved replaced in 2006. I had a root canal this January. Everything went fine. I wasn't on Coumadin though. I am now and have had a few reapplications of the medication in that tooth and everything has gone fine.


thank you all so much for your response. you have all helped me so much in the past 3 or more years. some days i wouldnt have known what to do without you. now at least i know that people with heart valve replacement have had root canals. it puts me at ease somewhat. its kind of hard to get anything out of the cardio. they are so busy and all. i am so glad to have you guys and this sight.


Talk to your Dentist and Cardio. I am waiting for a root Canal that became a problem one week after my valve replacement. My surgeon has a definite plan for any dental work prep for me, My dentist said he wouldn't touch me without my Surgeons or Cardios plan. This should not be your decision, That is too much responsibility with not enough information, get your MD and Dentist involved, this is their job.
we are pretty much on our own. not very much professional advice is given. kinda like getting blood out of a turnip.