davidfortune is HOME!!

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Just a quick post to let everyone know I'm home. We left the hospital at 11:30 am this morning (kinda a surprise since yesterday Dr. Ryan said he wanted to keep me till saturday just to be cautious). His Nurse Practioner came in at 10:30 am today and said "Ready to go home?" and I said "Yep". And that was that. We were home by 12:00 noon - just about 71 hours after arrival into the ICU.

Thankyou to everyone for all your prayers, thoughts, well wishes. This has been a tremendously surprising recovery to me which I can only attribute to God's Grace combined with great surgeon and great anesthesiologist.

Great news, David! Welcome home. Rest, walk, and don't rush it. Sending you best wishes. It sounds like you are well on your way!
David, it is absolutely great to hear you are doing so well. Do remember to walk, deep breathe and rest though!. You have a lot of healing to accomplish and that will take time. Feels great to be home though, doesn't it!
Yeah - I think the before picture gave me some special mojo. I'll take the after tonight now that I've had a shower. Priscila & I went for a walk, I breathed, exercised, napped briefly and showered.

I feel really good - its kinda scary.... since it feels too easy (not that I'm invoking the gods of jinx mind you - knock wood, a pinch of salt and all that).

It feels awesome to be home. The test tonight will be bed. I haven't lain flat since surgery so we'll see if I have to sleep on the couch or not.

My first lunch at home tasted a little "off" (and it was chili that we eat alot) so maybe my buds are a little affected and the "decent tasting" hospital food was really terribly nasty - I just didn't know it:eek: .
Absolutely incredible - and inspiring for you to be doing so well so quickly. Your body must be in such relief to be working more efficiently. Congrats to you and continued prayers and best wishes. (ps - DON"T take it too far because you feel so good - TAKE IT EASY ;0)!! )

Congrats on being home! Enjoy it :).

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
PICS:lego.HO.model.MCinfo.RT.CHD = http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"Enough is enough, I can't take anymore" ... Alabama ... 'Can't Keep A Good Man Down'
Happy to hear you are home, tho...

Happy to hear you are home, tho...

i'm not surprised. being a young guy, they like to get you out of the hospital as soon as possible, as it is not a good place bacteria-wise. i too got out in about 3 days 12 years ago, when i was only 40. i'll let you know how long it takes a 51 year old in a couple of weeks. my only unsolicited advice to you is

DONT SNEEZE!!! carry around kleenex with you at all times, and blow your nose at the very first signs of an impending sneeze.

TAKE PAIN MEDS ON TIME, even if you are not in pain. this way they will work more effectively, and you'll actually decrease the chances of dependence

KEEP GETTING FOLLOW-UP CARE, even if some jerky cardiologist tells you you know longer need a cardiologist. Bicuspid valves are associated with other bad things, like aortic and brain aneurysms, and you are better off watching them than ending up like me, being surprised in the past month that i need an aorta replacement.

ENJOY YOUR RECOVERY. how many times in the future do you think youre going to get to lay around with no other responsibilities than eating and sleeping?? -- joe
David. This is a magnificent beginning! I hope that your entire recovery goes as smoothly. Great job!!

Do enjoy the restfulness....take advantage of it and learn new things about yourself and your world. For me, I had never felt the sun so warm on my back before. Never quite. I would sit outside on my back deck and just absorb all the warmth of my life through that sunshine. I will never forget it.

Rest!! ;) Don't push too hard or you'll take 2 steps backward.

Great news! Welcome home!

Holy Cow! That's awesome!!

Take it easy though, now is not the time to go pull weeds or something! ;)
David - Congrats!! You take it easy now and have a very blessed and Merry Christmas!
davidfortune said:
Just a quick post to let everyone know I'm home. We left the hospital at 11:30 am this morning (kinda a surprise since yesterday Dr. Ryan said he wanted to keep me till saturday just to be cautious). His Nurse Practioner came in at 10:30 am today and said "Ready to go home?" and I said "Yep". And that was that. We were home by 12:00 noon - just about 71 hours after arrival into the ICU.

Thankyou to everyone for all your prayers, thoughts, well wishes. This has been a tremendously surprising recovery to me which I can only attribute to God's Grace combined with great surgeon and great anesthesiologist.


Just don't overdo it.
I was home very rapidly myself and had the bright idea I could do more than I should.
Relax and take advantage of the pampering.

Super progress David

You just might give me a run for my money! :D