David Fortune's surgery on Tuesday

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Just wanted to start a big send off for you David. We look forward to hearing that you got the repair and if not the Ross and we especially look forward to seeing you in "the shirt"! Best wishes and Godspeed.
Me, too! Good luck, David. You've done your homework and now you should be going in with confidence.

Best wishes!

12/12 is a lucky day!!!

12/12 is a lucky day!!!

it was for me in 1995, and it will be for you too in 2006!!! and you'll love the recovery, no snow shoveling, in case there is any where you are. -- joe
David, you'll be in my thoughts on Tuesday. While every hospital and OHS experience is different, we all have a very good idea of what you will be doing, and some of how you will be feeling.

I'll echo what I said to Stretch: consider what I said about breathing tube lip clamps, patient-controlled fentanyl, and tramadol on the way out. Each person is different, but I believe these things made it better for me. I also found that it was easier to wear their gowns, and just put a second one on backwards when I went for a stroll. Then they do all the washing and my stuff doesn't get dragged around on nasty hospital floors. Slippers should be slip-ons,as you'll not want to bend, and preferably cheap enough to throw away after you leave the hospital.

Please try to find someone to post for you, and let us know how you are doing.

Very best wishes,
Best Wishes......

Best Wishes......

*Very Best Wishes David for EVERYTHING going well on Tuesday, and an easy and uneventful recovery. You'll soon be ''WEARING THE SHIRT''. Sending warm Thought and prayers to you and your family. 8)

Sending you lots of prayers and positive thoughts that your surgery goes just as you planned and that your recovery is easy and uneventful.

Please give my best to your wife as well since it is not easy to sit and wait to hear that all went well. We hope that she will post an update for us so we know how you are doing.

Take Care!
David, you are in my prayers for a successful surgery and uneventful recovery. We'll be looking forward to the good news.

I pray for everything to go smoothly and look forward to the first post-op thread about how great you are doing. It is really wonderful on this side of the mountain.

May you get lots of massages.

Take care and Godspeed.
Prayers and best wishes!! for a successful procedure and uneventfll recovery. Looking forward to outstanding news!!!

Good luck on Tuesday. I know everything will go fine, you just have to promise to stay sedated and let the Dr. do his work:) I actually think you really could lend a hand after all the research you have done! Isn't it great to finally have the waiting over??
Speedy recovery......We'll be anxious to hear your report.
Good luck

Good luck


good luck for your surgery on Tuesday. Dr. Ryan is an excellent surgeon and you are in best hands. I can't believe its' been 8 years since I received my Ross.
Tell Dr. Ryan that Martin Kropf and his wife Dana say hello. He will remember, you'll see.;)
I wish you a speedy recovery, best of luck for the near and not-so-near future. Keep us updated, please.


Good luck! Look forward to seeing you post when you return :).

Thoughts/prayers coming your way....

Cort:33swm."Mr MC" / "Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker
MCinfo.hobbies.RTs.pics.CHD = www.chevyasylum.com/cort
"We got mountains to climb" ... Rod Stewart ... 'Broken Arrow'

Thank you for the thoughts/prayers/well-wishes. As you all know it means alot (even to us overly-analytical types) especially during our PSM times (yes that's PSM not PMS... PSM="Pre-Surgery Moodiness"). After realizing lately that I had PSM, I now somewhat understand how the other half lives... and my lovely wife understands unfortunately understands an out-of-character-over-the-top response to some trivial situation.

So, I try and monitor my PSM and analyze my way out of it when I realize I'm being irrational. It is just a trip that I get pissed off or sad or un-motivated for no particular reason (other than the realization of my own mortality, pending chest cracking, unknown result in both the short and no-so-short term, and pending surgery in which absolutely-everything is absolutely-completely-crazily-out-of-my-control!!!!!!!!). Anyway the out of my control thing really makes me crazy - so I'm trying to control that:D .

Thanks for all the tips and advice. I have already placed my request for fentanyl and tramadol. I'm impatiently awaiting VR.COM honorary recovery shirt arrival. I'll beg for the tape in lieu of lip-clip and extra-sensitivity for my broken neck once I'm in the hospital (and put my tenacious, amazing, wonderful wife on that duty too).

I'll try and keep my kibitzing to a minimum.... although that will be a challenge since I'm not one to really just relax and let others handle things....

I'll show Priscila how to post today so she can update y'all

I'll pass along your "Hello" to Ryan. BTW, are you still monitored by him at all?

I have already been praying for you and will do so tomorrow. As I said before "Last one home is a rotten egg and I'll even give you a day head start!"


David...here's hoping you get what you want for Christmas on Tuesday..:D (Janie seen dodging a rotten egg...:eek: )

Godspeed and you'll make the rest of us Texans proud....!

Buena suerte and God bless,

Best wishes and I hope the first thing you hear is from your surgeon saying "it was repaired". That's what I heard and I blowed him a kiss....breathing tube and everything.....OK maybe you don't want to blow
him a kiss but I'll be praying for you that everthing goes as you want it...and trust me, things are not as bad as we tend to imagine
God be with you David. I will be praying for a smooth surgery and a speedy recovery. I also look forward to the photo!
