Date Moved To This Friday!

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Well-known member
May 23, 2006
calabasas, ca
Okay, so now I don't have another week to pace around biting fingernails and eating ben and jerry's. I will do my best to send an email once I'm through sugery. (or will have wife do it)



going in friday for AVR and AAR and maybe a small bypass at UCLA medical center. :D
Hey temp!

Good luck! Be glad that you don't have to wait much longer. The waiting really sucks.

I'll be thinking about and praying for you on Friday.
Surgery at UCLA is good!
Just think, you'll be home and feeling better before the big 4th of July holiday!
You'll have a real reason to celebrate!
God Bless and Godspeed,
Put you on the calendar for this Friday. Ross will have to take you off for the 29th as he put it on- I'm sure you don't want to do it all over again a week later!:D Best wishes to you and we look forward to all good news from your wife.
Best wishes for a boring surgery. We'll be thinking of you. Enjoy yourself for the next couple of days!
Hey Temp!
You lucky thing! I'm so glad it's sooner than later! I know all will go perfectly! We'll be looking forward to the good news!
(PS Remember to keep that positive attitude going!!!!)
We will all be thinking of you on Friday...You will be fine..:) :) Ice Cream will taste good..when you are back home.:D Bonnie
Best wishes for a short, boring surgery and a very speedy recovery. You'll be fine.....will definitely put you in my prayers.

Will be thinking of you on Friday.

Well isn't that special? :D

Good luck and good journey, I'll see you on the other side.

Prayers go with you as well as me!
You will be in my thoughts and prayers on Friday, and we look forward to seeing you on the other side of the mountain. I know everything will go well. LINDA
Best of Luck Temp...I also had the AVR with a side order of Dacron and a CABG.....Keeps the doctors from getting bored if they get to throw in a by-pass with the valve'll be just fine! I have one extra scar from alot of these "Valve Only" people. If you only need one, you may not even have to have the extra scar. They take some grafts from interior chest wall. Mine was from my left forearm. I think they measured my Sternotomy and made the incision on the inside of my arm, the exact same length....Arm never gave me a bit of trouble. See you one the other side of surgery!

Thanks For The Support!

Thanks For The Support!

I am going in tomorrow am at 8:30 for surgery to replace valve and repair aneurysm and maybe a small bypass.

The Nurse said the Dr. often will make decisions based on what's right in front of him. So, they have SPARE PARTS available and he'll do whatever is best.

I will try to have my wife post the good news that I've made it.

Monday Is The Day

Monday Is The Day

At least as of friday night. I'm going in monday morning at 7:30, so all those kind thoughts from before, I will carry them with me.

Thanks everybody!

Sending positive thoughts

Sending positive thoughts

and prayers your way. Hang in there Temp! We'll all be looking for a post on your progress.

i dont know the surgery is finished now or not but anyway wish you (and your doctor) luck .