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Sorry for this being late. Yesterday the changes were:

-He's off the Swan
-The oxygen level maintained 96/97 constantly for the most part.

The rash is now pinker and going away slowly, and everything is looking better, still retaining water though.

It should all get better from here on out. Keep the news flowing. Thanks.
Steve - Thanks for the continued updates. Sounds like Ross is slowly coming back to normal. I assume he is still in the ICU, so will keep praying for him.
That is great news. It looks like today is the turning point for your father and my husband. Hopefully, it will be uphill from here on out.

Great news

Great news

We can count on you poster up please tell me what is the Swan (he's off)..Just went and bought more cards. Will get another one off today. Bonnie
Don't apologize, Steve, you're doing a phenomenal job of keeping us updated. Thanks for the great news. Ross remains in my thoughts daily.

Great news about your Dad. I knew he would make it. Please give him my best and thank you for keeping us all informed.



Great news.

Thanks, Steve for your continued efforts and keeping us curious lurkers up to speed.

Granbonny, I think the Swan may be a catheter.


p.s. Bonnie: your t-shirt from re-call is in. Shall ship by this weekend.
Hi Bonnie,

"Swan" is the big fat IV that they sew into your neck. Capable of transfusing you with (I believe) three things at once - blood, drugs, etc. In case of big bad happenings.

Hi Steve,

Yeah!!!!:D Glad to hear the good news. I'm sure from here on out it will just keep being better and better news! Thanks for the update!

I remember the Swan. As I had started walking around the bandages around it kept flopping and I almost lost it once! Please the adhesive gave me such a horrible rash on my neck! Glad to hear they took it off!

Thanks for updating us, Steve. No need for apologies as we understand you can only update us when you get the chance. Tell Ross we're all rooting for him! I'll continue to keep him my thoughts and prayers. God Bless!
Great News

Great News

So Happy to hear this news Steve ...thankyou for giving it to us ...hope things continue this good ...keep the good news coming ...


Way to go Ross ! I have been away for awhile but have been monitoring the situation.
I always knew the Good Lord would keep Ross in thje palm of His hand. This guy is too good to lose!

Thanks for the updates Steve...well done ...and much appreciated.

jackc ( Welland )
Wonderful news

Wonderful news

Thanks Steve, What wonderful news! I'm thinking all the holding hands and praying helped :) Glad to hear your father is making it up this very large mountain.
hi steve!
thank you so much for keeping us up to date on your dad. so glad to hear he is doing better with each new day. progress_even small_ is progress. please wish him all our best. we look forward to hearing from him soon!
be well, sylvia
The "Swan" catheter in the neck can also be used to indirectly measure pulmonary pressure by a procedure called "floating the Swan." It's a big milestone to have that come out. They took mine out right before they let me wake up after 8 days.

Those are good oxygen saturation levels.

Beginning to look better for Ross!
