Coumadin Users....who takes a multi-vitamin?

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Well-known member
Jun 8, 2005
Northern Minnesota
Husband is one week post AVR and his INR is still trying to come up. We were told at the Mayo that he could take a One A Day vitamin, making sure there was no Vit K. I purchased the weakest vitamin available, which has no Vit K but Vit E 30 Units. Our GP said no vitamins :( Hubby's Hgb was 10 and was hoping he could take vitamins long term and thought we should start right from the I am not sure which way to go here?
Until his INR is stabilized, I think I'd stay away from them for now. I'll let Al make the suggestion on this one. He can take them later on, but while stabilizing, not a good idea.
I take a multi-vitamin. Just make sure it doesn't have K in it. Theoretically you can adjust your Coumadin to account for the K, but the danger is in not taking it consistantly and then your INR shoots up.
Ross said:
Until his INR is stabilized, I think I'd stay away from them for now. I'll let Al make the suggestion on this one. He can take them later on, but while stabilizing, not a good idea.

Excellent point. Once he's stabilized.
Vitamins don't increase the hemoglobin, only iron does - it is a mineral.
My cardiologist has had me taking Centrum Silver once a day since my surgery. It has a lower vitamin K content than the other Centrum products.
Nevertheless, he cautioned me to be consistent with it, just as I was with the Coumadin because it still could have an impact on my INR.
I have developed the habit of taking both the Coumadin and Centrum Silver at the same time every day, just before dinner.

The problem that I see over and over with Centrum Silver (and other vitamins containing vitamin K) is that people run out of them and either don't want to make a special trip to get it or have no money to get more. So they are off of it for 3 or 4 days and then the INR is about 6. In my younger days, I would adjust the warfarin dose down and then they would go buy some and the INR would be 1. So now I ask, "Are you going to start taking it again today or not?" The answer determines what I do. Then I emphasize that they must not change their mind without rescheduling.
I take Andrew Lessman Original Maximum Complete For Women from They also have a men's formula. It's not cheap - $1 a day, $59.87 for 60 packets, but it is a very complete multi that comes in 5 capsules in a formula that doesn't upset the stomach. It doesn't contain K and it didn't effect my INR when I started taking it. If you go to and do a search for it, you can get to the page and click on "suppliment facts" below the picture and it gives you the ingredients label. I found that my energy was better after starting to take them and I seem to get sick a lot less. Not nearly as many colds in the winter.

The problem I found with finding a vitamin w/out K is that it's hard to find one that will contain enough to make a difference. Plus, they always upset my stomach. Most of the "mega" vitamins seem to contain a great deal of K, as well as other herbal stuff.

I really like the Original Maximum Complete and consider the cost just a part of my Rx expense. Plus you can do auto-ship so that you don't have to think about reordering.


You know, I was so wrapped up worrying about buying these vitamins (One A Day Essentials...No Vit K....) that I didn't check to see if they had Iron, and nope...they don't. Thanks All........

Karlynn--His INR was 2.0!! I feel much better than I did with him at 1.6 :) Thanks!
The one a day for the ladies does not have vitamin K, but the one for men does. Go figure :confused:
My surgeon asked me to stay off the multi-vitamins for the first month. He didn't see the point in complicating things.

Even now I don't do multi vitamins, but take "C", fish oil and Jiuce Plus. I took "E" for a while, but my cardio advised against it (littel benefit and emerging risk).
Funny how they all say something different. When I was first released from the hospital my instructions were multi-vitamin (not Vit K) and 81mg. aspirin along with the other stuff. Week & half later when I was released after my second hospitalization, multi-vitamin & 325 mg. aspirin. PCP later reinforced the multi-vitamin with iron. Saw the cardio the other day for checkup - continue with multi-vitamin and back to the 81 mg aspirin. I take Walgreens basic multi-vitamin with iron, no Vit K.

Vitamin E is OK?

Vitamin E is OK?

More questions - great topic!! I was taking vitamin C and vitamin E to help w/ my healing, also was taking chondroitin for same reason.

Are these 2 vitamins and supplement OK to take w/ Coumadin?

Also, anyone know where I can find a comprehensive list of drug-drug interactions w/ coumadin that includes vitamins and herbal supplements?

One last thing - I am skeptical about many common brands of multi-vitamins' ability to dissolve and be absorbed since they're coated, so I usually go w/ capsules or tabs from a health food store, Trader Joe's, or other brands where I can see they're not coated. Might be paranoid but if I'm spending the money, I at least want the vitamins to reach my bloodstream.

I guess I'm different from most everyone else when it comes to vitamins. I was told if I ate properly, I shouldn't need vitamins. I've never taken them except during pregnancy. I have had to take iron once in a "blue moon" because of very heavy periods. But that's only been a few times at most. All my blood work is excellent. I guess I've never thought that much about them and my doctors know I don't take them and they have never suggested that I do.


I take Kirkland multi daily from Costco. It has vit K 10 MCG , 13% daily value. I keep my vitamin in my daily medicine schedule box. So i never miss & buy the 350 tablets size. Also take vit B complez with 150 mg vit.C Nature made. Havent had any problems.
interactions list

interactions list

afraidofsurgery said:
More questions - great topic!! I was taking vitamin C and vitamin E to help w/ my healing, also was taking chondroitin for same reason.

Are these 2 vitamins and supplement OK to take w/ Coumadin?

Also, anyone know where I can find a comprehensive list of drug-drug interactions w/ coumadin that includes vitamins and herbal supplements?


Duh - answered my own question list.htm
Patty - there are a number of sites that offer drug interaction information. To find them, do a Google search for "drug interactions". The one I use most is the site.
Great site

Great site

Thanks! That's a great site and comprehensive reference. Awesome.

I noticed my 6 year old daughter's chewable Flintstone vitamins have no vitamin K listed, and have the daily vitamin requirements listed for adults. Yabba dabba doo! That's what I'll be taking!

Patty - glad to be of some help. IN what field is your doctorate ?
afraidofsurgery said:
One last thing - I am skeptical about many common brands of multi-vitamins' ability to dissolve and be absorbed since they're coated, so I usually go w/ capsules or tabs from a health food store, Trader Joe's, or other brands where I can see they're not coated. Might be paranoid but if I'm spending the money, I at least want the vitamins to reach my bloodstream.

This is from Scientific American:

For absorption to occur, a pill must dissolve and disintegrate. So when shopping for supplements, look for the USP symbol. This symbol indicates that the U.S. Pharmacopeia, an independent testing organization, has tested the supplement to make sure it will dissolve in your stomach. The absorption of nutrients in pill form is not well studied, but if they dissolve in the stomach, they are probably well absorbed.

More about dissolving vitamin pills:

Does your multi-vitamin dissolve properly?

Some manufacturers claim that many brands of vitamin tablets are so hard that they go through the body undissolved, and quote nurses who find vitamin pills in the bedpans of their patients. While this can happen, here's a simple "acid test" you can apply to find out if your multi?or any other pill!?dissolves properly:

1. Place approximately one cup of white vinegar in a small bowl and warm it to 98 degrees or so by placing it inside a larger bowl of water that you "top up" several times with warm water from the tap. (The goal is to keep the vinegar reasonably close to 98 degrees for half an hour.)

2. Drop your multi-vitamin (or other pill) into the vinegar, and jostle it about every five minutes or so by gently shaking or swirling the cup. While you can also stir the mix with a wooden stick or toothpick, be careful not to touch the tablet itself.

3. The tablet should dissolve within 30 minutes. (This is the USP standard for all pharmaceutical tablets.) If it doesn't dissolve within a full hour, it's not doing you much good. Get another brand!
