Coumadin replacement

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Old clicker

Well-known member
Jun 9, 2004
Atwood, Ontario Canada
My GP told me there is a new drug coming out that will take the place of coumadin, and INR's will no longer br required. Has anyone heard of this or have any information on it?
From my understanding, they aren't even testing it on valves, so it may be a very long way down the road.
Met a woman today who, when I told her I take Coumadin, said, "You know they're coming out with a replacement." I said I knew a company is working on an Rx, but it was not being tested on valve patients yet -- to be best of my knowledge -- and then asked if she was in the medical field.
Nope, but her husband works for the company making Exanta.

Told her to pump her husband for anything he knows. Will probably see her again next Tuesday.

However, I doubt he knows anything we don't already know.
Marsha, great contact. Still, I'm pessimistic since no one will ever volunteer for a study knowing there will be a control group. And a study without a control group will not be well accepted scientifically. Catch 22.
Just had my annual check up with my cardiologist this week. Reinforcing what others have said, he is looking for Exanta to be used for A-Fib patients fairly soon, but thinks it be a while before it is used for valvers.