Cough & cold - post-op

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Active member
Jul 22, 2011
I am 4 weeks post-op. AVR with mechanical valve. I caught cold & cough (seasonal allergies /flu ?) from my wife. No temperature yet. Should I be concerned about fluid build-up. Should I call my care team (pcp/cardio/surgeon) if it prolongs for more than 2 days?

There's lots of cold and flu? going around now. Just that you have a cold is miserable so soon after surgery but not necessarily any reason to be worried other than the discomfort it causes you. Just FYI...... if you have the same 'germ' that is going around MA right now, it lasts a long time. It is very hard to shake off the cough. If that continues, you probably should see your pcp for something to give you relief. You don't want phelgm to build up in your lungs.

Hope you continue to heal well and the cold does not bother you too much.
Hi rvrkumar
I am now approx 7 weeks after AVR replacement. (pigs valve) Like you, I caught a bad cough and cold about 4 weeks out, and went to my doctor. He put me on antibiotics for a week, and it helped a lot. Everytime I coughed, I felt my chest would burst! I would definitely not delay too long, fluid on lungs can be dangerous.
I hope this advice has helped.
Good luck in your recovery.
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