Corts last name?

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Well-known member
Jan 23, 2004
Joplin, Missouri
Does anyone know Cord's last name. I guess he is on a road trip through Joplin. He had left a message on my cell phone and I missed it. I just got off work from the hospital and it's now 12:10 am. He wanted to meet for breakfast in the am. He told me which motel he staying at and I know where that is but I didn't know his last name. I returned his call but I'm sure he is in bed by now. I'll trying calling him again in the morning. I'll check in here before I call in case someone has left me a message.

Cort's in your neighborhood huh? I can't find his card at the moment, so just try calling him when you wake up.
I even got his first name wrong. I'm up so after I have my cup of coffee and I get awake more I'll give him a call. This is really early for me and I'm walking around in a daze this morning. It was a long night!

Thanks Ross, I sincerely hope everything is getting better for you. Time does heal, I know from experience.

Love ya, Glenda
You are so right and what a wonderful young man he is! We had a very nice visit and really even with the age difference had so much in common. He took a picture of me standing beside my car and someone else took a picture of him and me. Maybe he will post them when he gets back from his trip.

I was also wondering how do you get to the place where you can look up the information about all of us? I used to be able to find it before they changed the forum, now I don't know where to look.
You are so right and what a wonderful young man he is! We had a very nice visit and really even with the age difference had so much in common. He took a picture of me standing beside my car and someone else took a picture of him and me. Maybe he will post them when he gets back from his trip.

I was also wondering how do you get to the place where you can look up the information about all of us? I used to be able to find it before they changed the forum, now I don't know where to look.

Ah yes, that he is Glenda. Now don't you go stealing my cute boyfriend Mizz Glenda..:D
no, Janie, he's mine! He came to see me and we had a great breakfast and then a ride to my house and round the area. What a great time we had. Glenda, you are one of the blest if Cort came to see you. Some of us get lucky enough to have a private date with Cort! I know you enjoyed it. Can't wait to see the pictures.