Cookers Weigh In---FridayThrow Down 9-14

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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
OK "losers" here we go on the first Friday weigh in!!!! I has been a short week but I know we will see some loss posted!!!:D :D

As always, thank you for helping me. There have been numerous time I would have caved if not for you!!! Good luck, good dieting and good health!!!

Rich, fatty foods are like destiny: they too, shape our ends. ~Author Unknown
cooker said:
Starting Weight........233
Todays Weight........216
Total Loss..............-17:cool: :D :cool:

That's Awesome Cooker!:)

I'm like a plane at O'Hare-in a holding pattern!

Start weight 183
Today 177
Loss Total -6
Herein lies my weight:

A - 2.5 + 6 = B - 1 = C

Not a good formula, but being interpreted it means:

A (Actual starting weight) - 2.5 lbs
+ 6 lbs = weight gain from B (Birthday Week)
-1 lb lost this week = C (Current Weight)

So, cutting out the ABC's, I've gained 5 lbs from my lowest weight.

Cindy is having a period of femaleness and thus is not subject to being forced onto the weight scale. In other words, we'll have to "weight" until next week for her report.

Go Team Go!!!!

Go Team Go!!!!

We will all have ?ups and downs? but if we stay the course we will prevail in the ?battle of the bulge?:D Even though weight loss is a definite goal for me I hope that this will translate into a life style change. ?Just Say No? has never been my strong suit with anything.:eek: I hope that we will all continue.

It takes guts to post a gain and it is disheartening to try and try with no apparent results. The results will come. How many times have the scales not budged but we felt a difference in our pants, skirts etc? We feel better and I think more important, we feel better about our selves.

I seriously thought I would be gaining this week, or at the very least not see a loss. But low and behold, I've lost another pound! That brings the grand total to 4 pounds down. Not a lot, but at least it's the right direction!

Starting weight- 142
Today's weight- 138
Total loss- 4

Thanks, everyone for being here to keep me on track (mostly)!
Wise said:
Herein lies my weight:

A - 2.5 + 6 = B - 1 = C

Not a good formula, but being interpreted it means:

A (Actual starting weight) - 2.5 lbs
+ 6 lbs = weight gain from B (Birthday Week)
-1 lb lost this week = C (Current Weight)

So, cutting out the ABC's, I've gained 5 lbs from my lowest weight.

Cindy is having a period of femaleness and thus is not subject to being forced onto the weight scale. In other words, we'll have to "weight" until next week for her report.


I feel that birthdays should count for up to a 10 pound mulligan:D :D :D
time to get serious

time to get serious

OK...I gained 2 lbs this week. I have to get serious about this and do some serious food changes. Seeing all of you doing so well is a great encouragement for me.
Thank you


A 4 lb weight loss is a big deal.:D that's all I have loss....I am happy..if I don't gain it back.....:p and like Cooker said..just stay on track...A lb. here..a lb. there...I would be Happy for a 2 lb loss a month...:) .......My thinking is I am not on a diet..just life changes..(No more Fast food)and no more white bread. I have changed to whole wheat or Rye..and a few other things.but each member on this diet should know..what is making them gain or not lose....Bonnie
Granbonny said:
A 4 lb weight loss is a big deal.:D that's all I have loss....I am happy..if I don't gain it back.....:p and like Cooker said..just stay on track...A lb. here..a lb. there...I would be Happy for a 2 lb loss a month...:) .......My thinking is I am not on a diet..just life changes..(No more Fast food)and no more white bread. I have changed to whole wheat or Rye..and a few other things.but each member on this diet should know..what is making them gain or not lose....Bonnie

Amen Bonnie!!! And 2lbs a month is 24lbs in a year(higher math:D )!!! And let us not forget..........THIS AIN'T NO RACE:D :D :D

Side bar................we have 16 "losers" and only 7 have fessed up:confused: :confused:
Granbonny said:
A 4 lb weight loss is a big deal.:D that's all I have loss....I am happy..if I don't gain it back.....:p and like Cooker said..just stay on track...A lb. here..a lb. there...I would be Happy for a 2 lb loss a month...:) .......My thinking is I am not on a diet..just life changes..(No more Fast food)and no more white bread. I have changed to whole wheat or Rye..and a few other things.but each member on this diet should know..what is making them gain or not lose....Bonnie
Thanks, Bonnie. You're so sweet! :D I am happy that I'm losing, despite being so busy, not exercizing (at least, not conventional exercises. I guess going up and down a ladder could count), and not always making the smartest food choices. But I am trying to do things right. Like you, I'm buying whole wheat items (bread, noodles, etc.) and trying to avoid fast food. Of course, that's been super hard with having nothing at our new house and needing to just run and get something while we take a 30 minute break before getting back to work. But instead of eating a ton of fries I've tried to either share or not order any at all. I think from now on I'll just not order any. I know that would help a lot! I've also tried to make my portion sizes smaller, which I can already tell is helping. I get full so much faster than I used to. The secret is to actually stop eating when I'm full! ;) Today I was invited out to lunch for Sunday. One of the choices I was given for restaurant was Mexican. I know I am a sucker for chips and salsa, so even though it sounded REALLY good, I chose a restaurant that doesn't put anything on the table that you don't order yourself (ex: bread, chips, etc.). That should help a lot!

Okay, enough stalling... I guess I need to go back to packing! You all really have been awesome losing buddies!
This was a wierd day, sorry I'm late.
Was sitting working at a desk in a bedroom downstairs and out of nowhere the light globe from the ceiling just dropped on the floor and shattered on the carpet. It landed right where I'd laid a little blanket for my dog to keep me company. Damn thing would've killed him had he been sleeping there. Spent a few hours cleaning that up. It just flew up into everything!!! :mad: Threw my whole day off. Funny how near misses can just piss you off!!

Did my walking and curves 3 times this week, so starting to get back on track. Clothes are somewhat looser, though not much weight difference.

Beginning 189. Today 186.

Pathetic total loss of 3 pounds....but it will improve!! :)

Marguerite ROCK!! good for you!!
I would like to offer my full, 100% with out a doubt endorsement of the new Friday weigh in.:D We tried out a new Italian restaurant last night and although I was diet conscious it was great knowing that I had six days in my hip pocket to recover. I think this will work out great!!!!

Last nights menu: shrimp stuffed Portobello mushroom with toast, lemon incrusted grouper on angel hair pasta and a dinner salad. I think I did pretty well. But I will say this, my ?delicate? system;) was not use to all that olive oil:eek: ?????.no prune juice necessary!!:D :D
Cooker, we like the Friday weigh in also. It does help to not have to stress out over the weekend about weighing on Monday morning.

Cindy says to tell you she thinks you did pretty good. Italian is good stuff!!

Was this a chain restaurant you went to? If so, which one may I ask?
Okay, am back from spending week with children and grandchildren in Northern Virginia.

My "Friday" weigh-in (actually Saturday):

Starting weight: 267

Current weight: 260

Change: -7

In past week: no change

Actually, that is an amazing result. Apparently, my preaching about the importance of a good breakfast hasn't taken, because we wound up starting every day at Starbucks and McDonalds. First night we had Chinese take-out. Scrumptious but not low-cal. Another night, we treated the whole gang to Olive Garden. I had the pork tenderloin, which was Atkins-approved, but the salad bowl was definitely endless. Watched my 3-year-old granddaughter devour a big slab of lemon cake while I sipped black coffee. Another night daughter-in-law made a southwest-style spaghetti that was dee-licious. True, she made it with ground turkey to a Weight Watchers recipe, but I ate so much of it I am sure I wiped out any WW effect.

Then there was the drive home. Because I am type2 i have to have adequate protein or I get shaky -- not good when driving. So I indulged in a BK double cheeseburger. (Did share with Sadie dog and did skip the French fries.)

Anyway, to have done all that, and not to have gained any pounds, I consider an accomplishment. I hope to shed a few this week.
Wise said:
Cooker, we like the Friday weigh in also. It does help to not have to stress out over the weekend about weighing on Monday morning.

Cindy says to tell you she thinks you did pretty good. Italian is good stuff!!

Was this a chain restaurant you went to? If so, which one may I ask?

Not sure. ?Moe?s Grapevine?. I don?t think it is associated with Moe?s Southwest Grill?????it was a little up scale for that to be the case but the name might indicate different.

At first they refused us service and pointed to the ?NO CHIMPS? sign, I flashed my ID and was ushered right in with full apology:D :cool: :D

I am very proud of myself today. Breakfast wasn't so great-- ham and cheese quiche, though I didn't eat all of the crust-- but I did well for lunch and dinner. Egg salad sandwich with fruit instead of chips for lunch, and a cobb salad (which I didn't end up finishing) for dinner. The part I'm most proud of is that I went to a "Bridal Tea" (shower) and did not eat even one cookie, pastry, or sandwich! I made sure to not even go over to the food table and even sat in the other room. I did have some tea, though. My usual downfall at parties with food is that I stand too close to the food table and "graze" to the point of overindulgence. So this was a BIG deal for me. :D